The number of solutions/roots is equal to the highest power x is raised to (there are other forms with different rules and this applies to R and C not higher order systems)
Some roots can be complex and some can be duplicates but when it comes to the real and complex roots, that rule generally holds.
I thought this would be related to quaternions, octonions etc. but no, it’s multivectors and wedge products. Very neat, I didn’t know you could use them like that.
Oh no, you were right on the money. In G2 you have two basis vectors e1 and e2. The geometric product of vectors specifically is equivalent to uv = u dot v + u wedge v… the dot returns a scalar, the wedge returns a bivector. When you have two vectors be orthonormal like the basis vectors, the dot goes to 0 and you are just left with u wedge v. So e1e2 returns a bivector with norm 1, its the only basis bivector for G2.
e1e2^2 = (e1e2)*(e1e2) = e1e2e1e2
A nice thing about the geometric product is its associative so you can rewrite as e1*(e2e1)*e2… again that middle product is still just a wedge but the wedge product is anti commutative so e2e1 = -e1e2. Meaning you can rewrite the above as e1*(-e1e2)*e2 = -(e1e1)*(e2e2) = -(e1 dot e1)*(e2 dot e2) = -(1)*(1) = -1… Thus e1e2 squares to -1 and is the same as i. And now you can think of the geometric product of two vectors as uv = u dot v + u wedge v = a + bi which is just a complex number.
In G3 you can do the same but now you have 3 basis vectors to work with, e1, e2, e3. Meaning you can construct 3 new basis bivectors e1e2, e2e3, e3e1. You can flip them to be e2e1, e3e2, e1e3 without any issues its just convention and then its the same as quaternions. They all square to -1 and e2e1*e3e2*e1e3 = -e2e1e2e3e1e3 = e2e1e2e1e3e3 = e2e1e2e1 = -1 which is the same as i,j,k of quaternions. So just like in G2 the bivectors + scalars form C you get the quaternions in G3. Both of them are just bivectors and they work the same way. Octonions and beyond can be made in higher dimensions. Geometric algebra is truly some cool shit.
To translate: As a child learning math this equates to “ignore math, the explanations don’t explain anything real, they only explain more math.“
“The only explanation is more abstraction with no real world application as far as math class is concerned. Frankly, there’s more application to your own life experience if you focus on language and the arts.”
I was one of those students who asked how it would be used, the teachers didn’t do the whole real world application part, and I never needed to go past trig.
I work with engineers and use math like any other human on the planet but really wish mathematics was taught differently to make it more interesting. You hear a PHD candidate talk about the hairy ball problem and the math is interesting. Math class never was.
The number of solutions/roots is equal to the highest power x is raised to (there are other forms with different rules and this applies to R and C not higher order systems)
Some roots can be complex and some can be duplicates but when it comes to the real and complex roots, that rule generally holds.
I think you can make arbitrarily complicated roots if you move over to Gn which includes the R and C roots…
For example the grade 4 blade
(3e1e2e3e4)^2 = 9
in G4Complex roots are covered because the grade 2 blade
(e1e2)^2 = -1
making it identical toi
so Gn (n>=2) includes C.Gn also includes all the scalars (grade 0 blades) so all the real roots are included.
Gn also includes all the vectors (grade 1 blades) so any vector with length 3 will square to 9 because
u^2 = u dot u = |u|^2
is a vector.Can pretty much just make as many roots as you want if you are willing to move into higher dimensional spaces and use a way cooler product.
You lost me at “arbitrarily complicated,” sorry.
Lost me at “I think”. I don’t, apparently.
I don’t think therefore I never was
I wish it was that easy! I stopped thinking and I’m still stuck here… Stupid Descartes
I thought this would be related to quaternions, octonions etc. but no, it’s multivectors and wedge products. Very neat, I didn’t know you could use them like that.
Oh no, you were right on the money. In G2 you have two basis vectors
. The geometric product of vectors specifically is equivalent touv = u dot v + u wedge v
… the dot returns a scalar, the wedge returns a bivector. When you have two vectors be orthonormal like the basis vectors, thedot
goes to 0 and you are just left withu wedge v
. Soe1e2
returns a bivector with norm 1, its the only basis bivector for G2.e1e2^2 = (e1e2)*(e1e2) = e1e2e1e2
A nice thing about the geometric product is its associative so you can rewrite as
… again that middle product is still just a wedge but the wedge product is anti commutative soe2e1 = -e1e2
. Meaning you can rewrite the above ase1*(-e1e2)*e2 = -(e1e1)*(e2e2) = -(e1 dot e1)*(e2 dot e2) = -(1)*(1) = -1
… Thuse1e2
squares to -1 and is the same asi
. And now you can think of the geometric product of two vectors asuv = u dot v + u wedge v = a + bi
which is just a complex number.In G3 you can do the same but now you have 3 basis vectors to work with,
e1, e2, e3
. Meaning you can construct 3 new basis bivectorse1e2, e2e3, e3e1
. You can flip them to bee2e1, e3e2, e1e3
without any issues its just convention and then its the same as quaternions. They all square to -1 ande2e1*e3e2*e1e3 = -e2e1e2e3e1e3 = e2e1e2e1e3e3 = e2e1e2e1 = -1
which is the same as i,j,k of quaternions. So just like in G2 the bivectors + scalars form C you get the quaternions in G3. Both of them are just bivectors and they work the same way. Octonions and beyond can be made in higher dimensions. Geometric algebra is truly some cool shit.To translate: As a child learning math this equates to “ignore math, the explanations don’t explain anything real, they only explain more math.“
“The only explanation is more abstraction with no real world application as far as math class is concerned. Frankly, there’s more application to your own life experience if you focus on language and the arts.”
I’m guessing that you were one of those “I won’t ever use all this math” kind of students?
I was one of those students who asked how it would be used, the teachers didn’t do the whole real world application part, and I never needed to go past trig.
I work with engineers and use math like any other human on the planet but really wish mathematics was taught differently to make it more interesting. You hear a PHD candidate talk about the hairy ball problem and the math is interesting. Math class never was.
Boy do I ever use maths at work all the damn time.
And I’m a mechanic
Or you were just shit at maths and don’t have any idea how useful it is because you avoid it like the plague.