Style formats are SO undergrad, lol.
Except citations where it’s an obscure style that no widget knows by default.
Nerd geologist discussion about GSA style below. Scroll if you don’t care. Or just scroll and let me yammer into the void.
Did anybody else notice they changed the GSA citation style guidelines recently? I checked the link today and it was blue and I was like, what? I go to this website 500 times a year. They changed a bunch of stuff, what I noticed was they require co-lead scientists to be listed in the citation even when there are 15 coauthors and it should get an et al. They also say absolutely NO personal communications and NO unpublished works (not even in progress/ in publication/ etc.).
I get where they’re coming from but this is problematic in a community where a lot of knowledge is bound up in unpublished projects by the Old Guard who never quite seem to get around to it. I mean, sure, they’ll go out in the field with you and tell you everything they saw before and discuss things with you but the best you have is “personal communication with this expert who has been working in this area or formation for 52 years”.
Weird, man.
I find the lack of IEEE format in this comment section disturbing.
there are dozen of us!
LaTeX gang
Biber rise up!
Take this propaganda meme back to your English major puppet masters, everyone knows APA is the superior and only true format.
… Unless the journal I’m publishing in says otherwise.
APA is where it’s at tho…
Agreed, APA is the most sensible and straightforward generally.
I will always have a soft spot for Turrabian though since it was what my undergraduate history dept used and I lived it when I was writing my thesis.
Currently preparing to write my Bachelor thesis, the format and template I need to use were last revised in 2009, I am going to lose all joy while writing, I can already tell
Yup, I installed Zotero and never thought about formatting citations again. Freed up more time to
do researchbrowse Lemmy.Sourcing isn’t even the problem, just having to reformat everything all the time because Word (which I have to use) is a bitch is the annoying part
Yeah, I write in markdown then convert everything after all edits. Microsoft Office is a bloated nightmare that drives me closer to plain textfiles every day.
is apa the one that makes you cite things in parentheses? because that one gets a thumbs down from me
It’s perfectly cromulent. C’mon. (Me, 2024)
I can confirm your observations (Me et al., 2024)
Drink enough Malort and MLA format starts making sense
cries in ABNT format