KPMG surveyed U.S. CEOs of companies turning over at least $500 million and found that just one-third expect a full return to the office in the next three years.

So it’s official: Leaders who believe that office workers will be back at their desks five days a week in the near future are now in the small minority.

It’s a complete 360 on their stance last year, when 62% of CEOs surveyed predicted that working from home would end by 2026.

At the time, 90% of CEOs even admitted that they were so steadfast on summoning staff back to their vertical towers that they were sweetening the pot with salary raises, promotions, and favorable assignments to those who showed face more.

But now, bosses are backtracking: Nearly half of CEOs have concluded that the future of work is hybrid—up from 34% last year.

  • Refurbished
    11 months ago

    Just goes to show that just because someone is on your side when it comes to social issues doesn’t mean they’re on your side when it comes to economic issues.