“I can almost feel empathy for my employees when I’m surrounded by nature like this”
…a-a-and it’s gone
Oh no, did he auction that too?
I’m not sorry for unsubbing from Linus and his sister channels.
Yeah nothing has changed from the incident, all of the people there still give me a Stockholm syndrome vibe.
Fuck this guy and his cult of douchebros
didn’t he tell employees who were being sexually harassed to not talk to hr?
No he said if you’re being abused and sexually harassed by your manager you shouldn’t talk about it with your co-workers. You should tell your manager how you feel and just keep it between the two of you. They don’t have an HR department.
Which is still a pretty shitty response/situation
I’d say that’s worse. Incredibly unproffessional and just shitty.
He said, if you have an issue go to your team lead, or hr, or him and Ivan as the owners of the company.
They don’t have an HR department.
They do though. At least nowadays.
Best part, that’s like some weeds or something.
Bitch you don’t know bout clover?
I see young cow parsley, a couple saplings, and dandelions. No clover there
Every plant is weeds
A weed is just a plant growing where a human doesn’t want it.
We really are so full of ourselves.
Poison oak or stinging nettles maybe.
Literally the first distro he reviews in that video is literally a security risk and he doesn’t even really bring it up.
To be fair, there was text on the screen saying “It looks like they had a data breach at some point” - which is still not enough. They shouldn’t have promoted LinuxFx at all.
I think this was one of the first videos since their big break where I noticed poor quality. His other content after the restructuring been much better but this felt poorly researched or probably just trying to find funny Linux distros to show the audience and not for them to be daily drivers
Pretty sure they explicitly stated that it was just for entertainment. Who would come out of that video genuinely thinking that they recommended you to daily drive a Justin Bieber distro?
Fuck this guy, seriously
No thanks, I’d rather not fuck this guy