By brother sent me a Reddit post (I know) but without clicking it I was able to read the title and I bit of the description :D
Anyway, it basically said to follow rats in dungeons and they bring you to good loot. Ignore the predetermined dungeon path and just follow the rats.
I haven’t tried this myself but just wanted to share real quick!
But recently, Diablo IV players have become convinced that following rats around dungeons will lead them to good gear. Whether this is a secret mechanic of Diablo IV or just a set of random events that human beings are ascribing patterns to is difficult to discern, but the rats are certainly earning some followers.
So it is a thing! Cool
It does appear to just quote the same Reddit post and say that there’s nothing else to really go on so far.
We need lemmings to try it!
- First, this is stupid…
- Second, its 100% false; why would Blizzard add such a nonsense mechanic when the treasure goblins are far more rare and specifically introduced for this purpose, but barely drop good things…
- Third, did I mention this was stupid?
- Fourth, this would mean loot isn’t as left to “chance” as it would seem and things are seriously broken
- Fifth, whatever floats your boat… you follow that rat.
It does not have to be intented behaviour, it can be transcendental. There is a precedence in form of the Skyrim Fox.
Lmao who hurt you
I would ask you the same as there is zero sane reasons to propagate this nonsense…
I literally said in my post I haven’t tried it dumbass. I was just sharing something god damn dude. Go back to Reddit where the rest of the toxic people are
You just called him a dumbass for calling you out and dare to call him toxic. The irony is lost on you, isn’t it? Especially with that username.
I’m the toxic one? You’re the one cursing and throwing insults at someone that simply turned the same question you asked me back on you. I have just as much right to refute this nonsense claim as you do pushing it to the masses.
You’re making it sound like I’m spreading the worst conspiracy theory of all time my dude. You didn’t refute it with any evidence btw, you just said it’s pointless and the devs wouldn’t do this. But you had nothing to back it up like I don’t have any to back up mine, hence the “apparently” and the “I haven’t tried this myself”. But you, you are saying that blizzard wouldn’t do this as a 100% fact without saying you’ve tried this out to see if it works. You are doing exactly what you are saying I’m doing yet no where in my post did I say it’s a fact so your whole argument is invalidated by that one simple fact.
You came and attacked my post point blank. You could’ve said something like “I’ve actually tried this but it didn’t seem like it’s a thing”. Instead you wrote an essay on how my post is pointless blah blah blah.
Not really that hard to see in no way in my post am I preaching it like a fact which you seem to be implying. You woke up and chose violence
Could have simply linked this video instead of projecting
If you shared any type of evidence it would’ve been a good argument, but you didn’t. So here I am shutting this rat theory down in my own post about it because I like to share evidence as I come across it instead of spewing some as a fact without anything to back it up
If you would like to understand the definition of the word apparently here you go. Might do you some good
You came and attacked my post point blank. You could’ve said something like “I’ve actually tried this but it didn’t seem like it’s a thing”. Instead you wrote an essay on how my post is pointless blah blah blah.
First off, I didn’t write an essay. I made a relatively small post of five succinct bullet points, two of which were tongue in cheek. In fact, I’d say you are the one writing an essay… now anyways.
Not really that hard to see in no way in my post am I preaching it like a fact which you seem to be implying. You woke up and chose violence
Violence??? uh… where do you come up with this stuff? I can assure you that my original post wasn’t “violent” in any sort of way…
Last, I don’t need to share evidence; just like you didn’t need to share any either… but what I did share was common sense. Either way, it is quite clear we should just agree to disagree. Enjoy life, my friend.
Agree to disagree 🤝
The burden of proof is on you, not him.
The only thing I’ll say about this is saying that providing evidence for something you claim is 100% is situationally dependent and never 100% required is very disturbing. No matter the situation if someone claims that there should be evidence.
I would love to hear your reasoning on why people can go around spewing something as a undeniable fact without backing it up. I won’t even reply. I just want to see how you justify that. I’m not talking just for this situation, but any situation you think proof isn’t needed so a general sense.
How is this you answer to following snakes that lie? No one in their right mind would follow a liar.
deleted by creator
Be positive! If people find it fun it hurts no one
Hasn’t worked for me yet. Got bored trying. Pointless.
Don’t follow the snakes tho, they lie
If only the rats would get me my tempest roar…
Maybe they will?
High quality troll post ;)
Know what… I like it. We live in a time where every bit of a game is on YouTube and dedicated websites, it’s cool to suspect there can be “more”. I miss the old days where every secret and easter egg was really hard to find lol
Interesting, will try
Good to know!