Should just use Linux, tbh.

    11 months ago

    Idk. I have a windows pc my work gave me, and the battery shits the bed constantly. I don’t even know were to begin troubleshooting the issue. I put in an ubuntu partition as an experiment, and the battery suddenly had a decent lifespan. I have my own linux laptop, so the partition was redundant and I ended up wiping it.

    My partner also has a windows laptop and it has it’s own weird issues. The start menu search frequently can’t find programs she has installed, or takes up to 10 seconds to even show a result. This isn’t an old laptop, nor a particularly underpowered one.

    I’m sure someone more experienced with windows would just be able to fix these issues with a registry edit or something, but I have no idea where to begin. I have lots of respect for windows admins because it all feels like black magic to me. At least on linux you can google for solutions.

    I also find the gui(s) on linux to be less buggy, more performant, more logical, and more consistent that the windows UI. I’m sure if I were more experience I could make some tweaks and get Linux-quality performance, but the bugs and inconsistency are still rough when you are used to Linux’s simplicity.

    That’s my take anyway. I think the biggest thing is that knowledge and confidence smooths over a lot of issues, and that applies both ways. It seems like you have a lot of Windows experience that you can lean on and that’s great.