How to piss off everyone at LW, watch:
I am voting for neither. I’m going to match what I care about with a specific candidate, because I don’t like Trump or Biden. [/opinion]
Now I’ll just sit and wait for the “you idiot” comments and the vitriol geyser to blow. This should be entertaining to watch people think my vote’s going to make a difference in the electoral college.
Thanks for surrendering what little choice you have to me.
Cool, have fun picking between fascism and genocide.
*fascism+genocide and genocide.
Sure thing! Thanks again!
To be clear, I’ve surrendered nothing to you whatsoever. My vote will be counted toward another candidate available to me on the ticket, just neither Trump nor Biden. That you intend to vote for genocide or fascism is something you are so gleeful to do. Enjoy.
That’s called surrendering.
Isn’t genocide the reason we don’t like fascism?
Fascism is the reason we don’t like fascism.
Here’s that guy that was foretold by the prophecy. The one who doesn’t understand the electoral college. Lmao
Very appropriate username.
Thanks 👈😎
You’re welcome!
I hope one day you know as much about us politics as you think you do now ☺️
Teach me!
This has been a recipe for a democratic win for a for decades. High turnouts favor democrats.
Yup, which is why the Republicans try to make it as difficult as possible to vote, especially for minorities. Don’t forget Trump said if minorities vote, Republicans will never win another election.
Also, why they focus on voter suppression and divisive propaganda every election to get the lefties all riled up about whatever makes them stay home. I wonder which issue it is right now!?
Israel. The tankies (some of whom are probably Russian trolls) are pushing the “Genocide Joe” narrative. They like to talk about principles but that means nothing when the brown shirts start throwing punches and are backed by the government.
I really wish Biden would take a harder line to get that under control. At the very least it’s aid that ought to be going to Ukraine which is instead being used for that disgusting mess.
The only justification I can think of is that it’s the only leverage we have over them and without it they would have no reason to be “restrained” at all. Even then I have my doubts.
You could literally put a half eaten turkey sandwich against Trump and I’d vote for the sandwich 100% of the time.
As an outsider, though neighbor in Canada, I can’t truely comprehend why Trump has the support he does. I sort of get it when looking at specifics (some people enjoy racism, others think he’d stir things up and create change) but the Evangelical support alone is baffling. I’m not religious but went to schools with religion as a subject (didn’t always focus on Christianity in the Anglican one but other one did) and the idea that anyone remotely Christian, or anyone that thinks they have religious values could vote for him makes me want to do the exorcist head spin and spew green pea soup. I didn’t think of that idea in a religious way just an absurd reaction to the situation but it sort of fits.
I’d definitely vote for the inanimate carbon rod over Trump, but the sandwich has merit too.
Trump isn’t racist. That’s a narrative the Left has been throwing around for years. He’s won numerous black awards, has had numerous black support, and only when he ran against Democrats was he labeled by the left as a “racist.”
Religious people will always vote conservative, no matter who the candidate is. My Mexican family are very religious Catholics, and even they vote for Trump because they always feel that a Republican better protects their religious rights.
The Democrat party is doing everything and anything to stop him from running, and this only makes his case stronger.
Meanwhile, there’s MILLIONS who are going to vote for him because everyone keeps telling them not too…I love how minorities are told that they’re “not good enough” to vote Republican.
Dems still trying to shame people to vote for Genocide lmao.
Yeah, I’m sure Trump will help Gaza all day long if elected…
You have the choice between someone who doesn’t care enough and someone who doesn’t care at all. I’ll vote for the one who doesn’t care enough.
And then they love to pretend that there’s no other candidates 🤣
There aren’t.
You’ve clearly never heard of 3rd party candidates then! If you have heard of them, I want you to ask yourself why you feel compelled to so overly simplify a situation that you boil it down to a blatant lie.
They don’t matter in a first past the post election. They’re the functional equivalent of not voting, or voting for Mikey Mouse.
Did you ask yourself why you felt the need to lie before?
I didn’t lie. There’s no other candidates. You can write whatever name you want, but only either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will win.
Username checks out
Thanks I made it myself 👈😎
Is it any worse than tankies/MAGA trolls trying to shame people for voting for him?
Neolibs trying to shame people into voting for and keep whining when called out.
Consider reading the title of this article.
No one is being shamed here. The title of the article is a simple truth. And if you actually read the article, you’d have seen that it’s pretty well explained and understood fact.
But that’s not your game here, is it? I mean, your post and comment history illustrates the fact that from appearances… you’re here in bad faith.
You- and MANY like you here, are seemingly only critical of the left- NEVER the right. You’ve been called out for this before. And yet, you never have an explanation for it. Also….Anyone can check your comment history in the mod logs to see how much misinformation is shared by you. So it’s no big secret anymore why you are here and what you’re about.
But don’t let this get in the way of- whatever it is you think you’re doing here.
You- and MANY like you here, are seemingly only critical of the left- NEVER the right.
This is blatantly untrue. Selective lib memory strikes again.
votes third party
That’s just voting for Trump with extra steps.
No it isn’t
I believe you if you’re logging in from the multiverse instance where West polls at over 40%, or the one where federal rank choice voting exists.
“Everyone should only vote Democrat, and only vote for Biden.” Sincerely, Lemmy.