Which is not something I’m going to do personally, but the information may benefit someone. I’m still torn between getting it on Steam or just Game Pass.
I can’t seem to find whether it will be Play Anywhere.
Do not pre-order!
Wait. The standard edition is 120 dollars?! What the actual fuck?!
Edit: that’s in AUD, apparently.
That’s still pretty insane, new games were about $80 here a couple of years ago
Damn that’s insane.
79.95 AUD was the standard for a long time, this will be much cheaper physically, I only hope we get the Steam optional code like with AOE4.
Why would you want early access for what will likely be a buggy launch? Better to wait a month or so and at least play after the launch issues.
Even good launches like TOTK benefitted from waiting with the performance patches.
Fallout 4’s launch was actually pretty stable, with exception of Playstation though, but that’s not an issue now, is it?
I bought it on launch and I really don’t remember having any issues. I’m always surprised it has such a bad rep.
I wonder how much launch instability like this is a result of hardware variation. Like, Redfall by all reddit accounts should be a waterfall of bugs, but I barely experienced any. Nothing more than in any popular Bethesda game, anyway.
Obviously plenty of games manage to launch without these issues - I’m not profering this thought as an excuse for it, just curious.
Always important to remember that lots of opinions people are posting online are just things they read somewhere and are repeating.
It’s Bethesda. It’ll never not be buggy.
I’ve no plans to get the game, but maybe I’ll check it out in three to five years when modders have fixed the game and added some real content.
I imagine it’ll be good in a few months.
Bethesda gets a lot of criticism for buggy launches, but all huge games are just as bad really. I hit a game-breaking bug in Baldur’s Gate 2 recently and had to enable cheats and use the console to even continue. And Cyberpunk also had loads of experience-ruining bugs like enemies seeing through walls repeatedly.
By then we might even have a McDonald’s on every planet in the game. They did say they obsess over the food 😂
It been put back a year to polish. In in agreement that preordering in the digital age is silly, especially on Xbox where you can install a game without buying it yet ready for when you do, but theres no reason to think this will be as bad as their previous titles.
Every one of their previous titles is a valid reason to think it will be as bad as their previous titles.
Fallout 4 wasnt too bad at launch at least.
But more bugs than they should have
The best launch they’ve had in this century only rates “wasn’t too bad”. That’s not the glowing endorsement you think it is.
Hmm, I don’t have vacations until the 11th so other than being able to get it before the weekend, having it 5 days earlier isn’t that big a deal.
Being able to get the story expansion at presumably a cheaper price is worth it though, as I’m guessing they won’t add this to Game Pass?
Back when they expanded to Game Pass Ultimate it used to include DLC, it no longer appears to include Ultimate Editions that it used to, it is very unlikely to include any DLC at all.
Skyrim has all the DLC, but only the Special Edition not the Anniversary Edition. Fallout 4 does not have the DLC. So I expect it won’t have the DLC.
I’d be tempted just to buy the game itself to have it separate from Game Pass but realistically as long as I have my Xbox I’ll probably keep my Game Pass subscription and $60 is a lot less than $170 haha…
That’s because there is no “complete” SKU of F4 in one package like the Skyrim sepcial edition. F4 Game of the Year just unlocks the game and season pass.
Just wait until its out before you start speculating about dlc.
I mean the future Story Pack expansion that is mentioned in the Deluxe Edition. Given they are already selling it, it doesn’t seem so speculative.
Speculations are:
Is the game good?
Is the game playable?
Is the game gonna be delayed?
Is the dlc actually gonna come?
When? Delayed?
At what price?
What scope will it have?
Will it be worth it?
Will the story be good enough that you want more of it?It seems incredibly silly to me to pre purchase a game that you can play at no additional cost anyway if you have GP solely on the hypothesis of maybe saving money on a dlc that will most likely cost significantly less than the base game.
You’ll save money on the dlc you know next to nothing about by paying a lot more on the base game.
Its your money but the idea is absurd to me.
You could play on gamepass, then just wait a while for the steam version to fall off the price cliff, then buy goty version too
Exactly. Preordering has zero real world benefits
I’m getting it on Steam just for the modding capabilities! I like that Bethesda has been good about getting mods onto the Game Pass version of F4 and Skyrim, but those aren’t as extensive as the Steam versions.
I’d be surprised if we get Workshop this time.
Even so, we’re still likely to get mod support given what Bethesda has said about the modding community.