I’m curious, does anybody else sit down in the shower. (That’s right not a typo. Sitters, not shitters)
This started for me when I was younger, usually when I was nursing a gnarly hangover. The warm water beating down on me was a solace and sitting just made it feel all the more comforting. Though I’m sure it’s not the most hygienic.
Over the years, it’s evolved into a ritual, now my preferred way to unwind and relax. So much so, I’m building a concrete bench seat in the shower, with a custom shower head above it, as part of our bathroom renovations. (Similar to the pic)
I’m curious if anyone else has a similar routine. Do you find it therapeutic too? Any particular reason why you started?
Since I was a kid. You’re the first person I’ve ever heard talk about it. I guess I always thought it was super weird so i never told anyone.
Yeh. I’m Shocked here tbh. I feel like I’ve found my people. I was always told it was super weird too!
There are dozens of us!
Edit: Damn it, scrolled down and saw someone beat me to this. There are clearly too many of us.
Why can’t you both say it?
I used to straight up nap in the shower as a kid. My parents thought I was jerking off but I was legitimately just taking a power nap.
Dude. Same. I would sometimes make a little sleep mask out of a wash cloth.
I just let my parents think that. Somehow, yanking it seemed less weird.
Holy shit are we the same person?
I had an ex-gf that would sit down for showers when possible, and sometimes fall asleep lol
Me too haha
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
I just sit right on the bathroom floor. Don’t even care. I’m the one who cleans that bathroom, I know that shits clean, yanno?
I too sit on the floor. Legs crossed.
I don’t want to clean the floor.
Them chemicals getting all up inside me!I’d worry they will burn haha.
Yeah I do it in the dark while listening to music. Feels like you’re in another world
Sometimes when everything gets too overwhelming I’ll sit in the shower
It’s relaxing but I lose track of time pretty easy and the amount of hot water I have is pretty limited
I get about 40min in winter before it runs out.
Oh man, at my apartment I get about 12-15 minutes over the year.
It blows
Time to move haha.
Lemmy needs a hide option. I am not a shower sitter but I do not want to downvote to get it off my feed. You guys will now live at the top of my feed out of respect for your life choices.
Thankyou for the honour. 🙏
I used to do it a lot, but now that I share my shower with my roommate, I think it’s kind of gross, so I stopped. But it was nice, I really enjoyed it, especially with some good music.
I also did it while I was in Japan, since the bathroom layouts over there allow for showering while sitting and then simmering in the bath tub.
When my nerve pain rose to the point that I lost the use of my leg, I invested in a shower chair.
Now that I’m rehabilitated, I still use the shower chair because it’s absolutely delightful to just chill with good posture in the warm shower.
I broke my hip and was touch-weight bearing for nine months. The NHS provided a shower stool but after a few months I just hopped into the shower, I found standing on one leg preferrable to sitting down.
Yeah I shi- Oh shower sitters. Uh yeah I sit in the shower sometimes, when life is just hard.
Yeah, I do it occasionally. Bad headache or hangover. That’ll usually do the trick.
Exactly the same. Usually standing up, but if it’s a really bad morning I sit down.
More often than not I also close the drain so it becomes a bath and suddenly I’m stewing in my own shame and regret.
You don’t want to know how I misread that title. 😶
I somehow read it as “Waffle Stompers”…
Flower sitters?
I think I know how you read it.
People don’t do this sometimes??? I enjoy doing this as often as possible. I started doing it when I had some headaches and didn’t feel like bending backwards (tall guy problems in a small shower) so I would just sit and let the water flow over me like I was being blessed by the water gods of headache removal. Haven’t looked back since, it’s so damn soothing!
Best way to unwind. Best way to get over a headache or hangover. I like to go from as hot as I can handle down to as cold as I can handle & alternate for as long as I feel I need. Magic.
Yeh. I get horrible migraines. A few a month. Definitely plays a big role in that behaviour too.
I always try to finish on the cold. Seems to be better. But I hate being cold.
I recently bought one of those gel skull ice pack things. Actually really helpful.
Or freezing cold can of coke and 3 aspirin.
I always sit down in the shower. Always. Pretty good feeling. In fact, I just did it, 5-10 minutes ago.
I’m doing it right now. 💛
Lemmy-ing in the shower? Good one.
Yes. Often. I love it, it feels…. Safe? Same as you, started doing at as a part of the hangover ritual; now I do it a couple times a week. It’s relaxing. Head hanging down, warm water dripping down my nose. Comfy.