Seriously folks. If you brush twice a day and floss once it goes miles in dental health. When you first start flossing it’s going to be a pain in the ass. A month later you will do it without thinking about it.
If flossing is a pain in the ass you’re doing it wrong. (Hint: floss your TEETH!)
I feel bad because the only way I can keep the flossing habit up is to use those disposable plastic flossers. I need to find a reusable one – where it’s just a handle that i can replace/rethread the floss, instead of contributing to plastic pollution…
Seriously, consider switching to a water flosser. They’re very thorough cleaners of both the bits between your teeth and the bacteria in the gum line. It has vastly improved my oral health and once a day is plenty. Initial price is higher as you would expect, but it’s rare to replace any parts at all. The model I use is a basic Waterpik that I’ve had for about 8 years was $40 US when I got it. Think it now costs $60 (inflation sucks).
I’m actually kind of proud to say my last dentist visit went pretty well, I’ve actually improved in oral health since my last visit. As I’m an aging, overweight, next-time-I-see-a-regular-doctor-they’ll-probably-call-me-diabetic, half blind, damaged man, it’s kind of cool that my 27 remaining teeth are in good condition. Implant is doing okay too, even if there is a lot of room for activities between it and the next tooth over.
Don’t feel too bad, some of us lost teeth through no fault of our own and yet still get the stigma.
This may be the wrong forum for this, but I keep hearing people bitch about wanting men to be more open with their feelings, so sips from whiskey glass here the fuck it goes.
I was seeing a girl circa December 2019. A nurse, in fact. We were basically friends with benefits, we weren’t even exclusive. She had this habit where if she didn’t want to deal with me right then, she’d make breaking up with me kind of noises. “I don’t think it’s working out,” that sort of thing. Then ten days later I’d get a request for a large dose of Vitamin D.
I started having some tooth and jaw pain. This went on for a couple days, it starts to worry me, I want some reassurance, I text her, I say “I think I need to go to the dentist.” “Look, I think it’s not working out between us.”
The next day a third of my right upper bicuspid falls off.
Two weeks later, I get a text. “Hey I just got a copy of OK Computer on vinyl. Wanna come over and ‘listen’ to it?” and I show up with that little metal stud they put in the implant to let it heal before installing the crown, and got at least some of our collective rocks off over the next twelve hours. It was late January 2020 by this time, she disappeared into the pandemic not long after that and I haven’t heard from her since.
This isn’t the only, first or last time a woman who I thought of as a friend, confidant or lover has done something like that, just completely shut me down before I even got a chance to say “It hurts and I’m scared.”
“You should be more emotionally available.” All evidence to the contrary.
My glass is empty now. Back to the bottle for a refill.
Not at all, dish homie but as a single 35 year old man I have legitimately no answers and certainly not good ones. All I can recommend is talk to people with the relationships you want and try to figure out how they make it work.
I’ve tried both being emotionally available and being myself rather outwardly unemotional and I’ve been stabbed in the back both ways. I like to think I’m just looking for the wrong people or the wrong people are looking for me but honestly I’m not quite sure.
As far as I can work out, a man who is cold and hardened isn’t entertaining enough, and a man who is emotional and vulnerable is a burden. What women want is performative entertainment; in the words of Phillip J. Fry, “Make up some feelings and tell her you have them.”
There was another discussion recently somewhere on the Fediverse about online dating and how utterly terrible it is. I made the point that I’ve been adequately successful at meeting women in person, but have never once succeeded in online dating. I’m currently single because I don’t leave the house. “Why don’t I leave the house then?”
I guess because I’ve had my fill of what’s on offer.
Why do people feel the need to do this? They’re a dentist, they would probably prefer if you never brushed. Just means more money for them.
If your dentist is in it for the money and not because they want to help people you should find a new dentist.
You have to pay for the dentist?
Most people do.
Okay this is a GENUINE question: Why. Don’t. We. Floss.
I know I’m supposed to, I see the memes, I hear the dentist and dental hygienists advice. I want to, I mean to. Why don’t I??? Why!
Probably because it’s a long, tedious, repetitive task. Brushing teeth only take a minute or two, maybe three if you’re getting really thorough, whereas flossing thoroughly or consistently adds much more time to that. At least that’s my excuse
This ist me in the picture. And then the question ‘do you floss regularly’ followed by awkward silence.
My go to is “not as often as I should” because it seems that no amount of flossing would please the bone vampires anyway