This feels like some skull measuring shit.
Same reason I don’t like when they do scans on trans people’s brains to show that they are in line with their preferred gender. I understand that they’re trying to find some kind of objective claim to being trans, but it’s simply not going to work that way. It would only be weaponized.
People were searching pretty hard for the “gay gene” for a while there. Good fucking thing they didn’t find anything.
There are also quite a few studies which link right-wing authoritarianism to traumatic brain injurty.
And lead exposure.
They found the aryan gene
people who have less to lose from fascism are more likely to support fascism 🧠🤔🧐
congrats you found the
Those studies just scream examples of the replication crisis
Instead of tracking genes they should be tracking lead exposure, most likely that’s what they’re picking up on, easy to confuse environmental contamination for genetics when your variables and control groups are at scale or community level