Groundhog Day. It gets better with subsequent watches.
Watching Groundhog Day once is already like watching Groundhog Day five times
You can say that again
not so much for understanding but, fight club is a different movie the second time around.
Hot fuzz. Because the first watch is enjoyable, but every subsequent rewatch makes you appreciate Edgar Wright more and more. He is just the most incredibly meticulous story teller with the most dense movies.
The Sixth Sense, if you can go into it blind. I’m usually pretty good at figuring out a movie’s plot twist, but this one caught me completely by surprise. Then when you watch it again you pick up on all the dropped hints.
Everything Everywhere All At Once.
It’s just… really good.
Though, being real, I would say that it’s a movie that gets more interesting on second watch rather than being one out need to watch twice to get. I honestly haven’t ever run across a movie like that.
Okay this isnt a movie but a show, but arrested development (especially the early seasons) are filled with situations, puns, innuendos and jokes that are set up over several episodes, sometimes even seasons. It is impossible to catch and appreciate them all on first watch. I have seen the show probably a half dozen times over the years and i still stumble over the occasional thing i missed.
Not a movie, but bojack horse man. On the first watch it all just seems like shitty bojack. After learning all the back story its more like, oh poor bojack.
deleted by creator
L.A. Confidential
There are multiple investigations/cases and multiple character arcs, and it all comes together so beautifully. The [REDACTED] reveal is amazing.
Edited to remove potential spoiler.
The Big Lebowski. You pick up on stuff with each watch, and it just gets funnier when you do.
Vanilla Sky! It’s a truly mind bending movie, with an absolutely perfect soundtrack. I’ve probably seen this movie more than any other. I still find personal meaning in it 20+ years after my first watch as a kid when my older brother decided to see it in the theaters and took me along. I was confused but moved by it and I didn’t know why. Love came after the second watch.
Primer. Gotta watch that one a dozen times and still not understand it fully.
There’s like 15 main characters. Every scene is important but it is impossible for it all to be apparent on a first watch.
It’s really brilliant storytelling. Watching Lock To k & Two Smoking barrels, you realize that guy Ritchie might be a one trick pony. But that’s okay, it’s a great trick.
The Prestige.