Tell that to all the pearl-clutching left-leaning voters scared of a fucking AR-15s and continue voting to restrict ownership of firearms based simply on appearance.
I live in Ohio where getting a gun takes thirty minutes and you don’t need a permit to conceal carry. I’m also a clocky trans girl who gets threatened in public…
If it makes you feel better, I’d rather have an estrogen laser, but 9mm anti-personnel rounds will have to dUwU
I completely agree that minority groups in America should arm themselves, it’s unrealistic to think that guns will ever be banned in America, and better safe than sorry.
However, in an ideal world (and most places) nobody would have guns, hence nobody would need a gun.
The existence of an estrogen laser would imply the possibility of a testosterone laser, so if someone didn’t like getting estrogen lasered, they could just go get the t laser fired at them after. A hell of a game of laser tag, that.
Yeah but why don’t you just call the police? They’re always so nice and helpful, they should have all the AR15s not the normies. Yes I’m on my way to town hall to explain exactly why we can’t put affordable housing in our neighborhood in order to save the town’s character, why do you ask?
Tell that to all the pearl-clutching left-leaning voters scared of a fucking AR-15s and continue voting to restrict ownership of firearms based simply on appearance.
If nobody has guns nobody needs guns, pretty simple
I live in Ohio where getting a gun takes thirty minutes and you don’t need a permit to conceal carry. I’m also a clocky trans girl who gets threatened in public…
If it makes you feel better, I’d rather have an estrogen laser, but 9mm anti-personnel rounds will have to dUwU
I completely agree that minority groups in America should arm themselves, it’s unrealistic to think that guns will ever be banned in America, and better safe than sorry.
However, in an ideal world (and most places) nobody would have guns, hence nobody would need a gun.
I agree and am ready to usher in the ideal world as soon as the revolution begins UwU
Not sure how an estrogen laser would work but if it’s anything like it sounds I wouldn’t want to use that on people, seems very unethical.
The existence of an estrogen laser would imply the possibility of a testosterone laser, so if someone didn’t like getting estrogen lasered, they could just go get the t laser fired at them after. A hell of a game of laser tag, that.
Do you change teams on getting hit then? How does this game work?
that would be a good argument if we could get guns out of the hands of the police and such
Key word nobody
Yep that’s simple, a common fantasy that people engage in. It is also quite impossible.
Let’s start by removing guns from police first, they are the most deadly with them.
If gun rights were actually about that then the black panthers wouldn’t have been surpressed and banned
Yeah but why don’t you just call the police? They’re always so nice and helpful, they should have all the AR15s not the normies. Yes I’m on my way to town hall to explain exactly why we can’t put affordable housing in our neighborhood in order to save the town’s character, why do you ask?
the appearance of the weapons or the owners?