Brandon Sanderson tickles that itch for me. His Mistborn series is really fun and has some rudimentary magitech without really spoiling anything - all of the magic works in specific ways but how people interact with it changes over time as people learn new (mostly martial) techniques. His Stormlight series has a system of magical doodads that ultimately evolves into full-on magitech, in addition to the kind of magic ninja stuff of Mistborn. Oh also magic mechsuits.
I agree 99%. I just wouldn’t describe the Mistborn series as fun. (I’d say the first first 3 Mistborn books are among his more depressing books. I still recommend them because they are great in other ways.)
Brandon Sanderson tickles that itch for me. His Mistborn series is really fun and has some rudimentary magitech without really spoiling anything - all of the magic works in specific ways but how people interact with it changes over time as people learn new (mostly martial) techniques. His Stormlight series has a system of magical doodads that ultimately evolves into full-on magitech, in addition to the kind of magic ninja stuff of Mistborn. Oh also magic mechsuits.
you mean shardplate?
Yeah doesn’t it augment your strength a little or something?
yes, sure. But I would have counted those as “regular magic”.
I agree 99%. I just wouldn’t describe the Mistborn series as fun. (I’d say the first first 3 Mistborn books are among his more depressing books. I still recommend them because they are great in other ways.)
Thanks, I’ll try to remember to check it out!