I like to use “lol” because sometimes using a period looks too serious and I want to show that I’m being casual lol
Same, and at the same time when other people end their texts with hard .‘s it makes me wonder if they’re angry
at the same time when other people end their texts with hard .‘s it makes me wonder if they’re angry
Yep, that’s why I do it in the first place lol. I learned a bunch of phrases and behaviors that cause me to overthink, then I avoid doing them to help my fellow overthinkers feel more comfortable
That’s why I throw in the boomer “,” and keep them guessing
addicted to using 🥺 at the end of every sentence like punctuation lol
I’m afraid of using that emoji because I know I’ll start doing it ironically then move on to using it unironically.
And how that’s an issue? 🥺
Valid argument 🥺
I do this a lot when i feel like i’m being awkward in texts
I do the same and combine it with a lot of exclamation points! So that people know I’m excited and it’s an upbeat tone, lol!!
Haha, lol
Same but with the skull emoji 💀
I feel this lol
Same lol
Same, but with the nervous laugh emoji 😅
yeah I just gotta make sure I’m not being taken seriously lmao
What ever happen to lmoaf