Prior to the Indonesian genocide of the 1960s, where the CIA installed a military dictatorship that the lives of millions, the country’s communist party technically did warn about the peril. The problem was that this warning had been made in a reactive way, and therefore wasn’t nearly enough to prepare the people to fight back.
I think it’s a mistake to attribute the Patsoc movement to any kind of organic tendency or “ideological drift” when it’s mostly Maupin, who came out of the same RT program as Abby Martin who is interviewed there, who mister blogster here has soured on as well (don’t get me started on Rob, or Prysner lol), a law student (who gets 300 viewers (and mainly beefs with a tiny group of ppl who live off Amazon and Google salaries and kids’ pocket change while espousing NAFO socialism or whatever the fuck they came up with by now)), and a guy who used to talk relly flamboyantly and work for pelosi before doing a pro wrestling style heel-heel turn and becoming a “republican communist” caricature now psyopping the people of Yemen (who deserve the greatest victories and global adulation and do not deserve perfidious white boys in suits coming on positively)
Made me really sad to say someone say “let’s call a spade a spade here, if Hinkle wasn’t reactionary he wouldn’t be hosted by the Yemenis” wtf. No it’s because he’s an artificially boosted influencer he literally connected with them thru twitter in between doing this to afghans with sameera khan etc and Spaces with Israelis where he said George Floyd false flagged america just like Hamas
So what I’m saying is this isn’t just where someone is on the political compass or whatever, it’s some kind of policy issue hobby horse that gets people caught up in stuff like “fuck it Tucker interview” they take the bait out of spite or something.
My criticism of the PSL is they are too much alike the libertarians and seem to be part of the same activist NGO complex.
We have to look at the purpose of this larger funding network not by what its various ideological mouthpieces say but by looking at how people absorbed into it end up functioning, what end they serve. Seems to keep people invested in electoralism and cold war style cargo cult “just get out there and say what you have to say” stuff while identifying themselves scrupulously.
I agree. Abby seems relatively decent from what i’ve seen, though also just saying everything’s a psyop and she doesn’t know who to trust.