Prior to the Indonesian genocide of the 1960s, where the CIA installed a military dictatorship that the lives of millions, the country’s communist party technically did warn about the peril. The problem was that this warning had been made in a reactive way, and therefore wasn’t nearly enough to prepare the people to fight back.
That’s fair, here’s a more specific link about him shifting rightward on national liberation for black people in the US:
I know the article, and I don’t know what to do with it. Sectarian, but maybe true.
Final note for the time being as I’m being picked up (😳 (I am being doted upon (TERROR!!!)) FEAR!) but I think that the mistake is thinking for some reason an alliance with petit boug in the imperial core is somehow the move because we can transplant Mao Zedong thought to the USA. The way people bludgeon each other with these unanalytical historical parallels drives me up the wall. Look, I like MAO ZEDONG THOUGHT 🗣️ a LOT. That’s why I am NOT DOING THAT.
Idk whom you are saying does this, but I will say specifically pcusa is into pettybourgeois alliances and irrelevant historical parallels, but consider MZT “ultra left” (of course the right deviationists will only punch left).
Both OP and comments must all READ WALLERSTEIN (specifically city-countryside exploitation)!!! And Samir Amin for his commentary on post-apartheid South Africa (Maldevelopment). If I have time I will track all these people down and show them the damn book screenshots.
Pretty sure they are fans of dependency theory. How does it delegitimize national liberation in North America (I have personally not read Amin or Wallerstein)?