“Science isn’t about WHY. It’s about WHY NOT. Why is so much of our science dangerous? Why not marry safe science if you love it so much. In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won’t hit you on the butt on the way out, because you are fired.”
—Cave Johnson
I may or may not have a soundboard prepped for zoom talks with this. I just set it up, the question is when, WHEN DOES IT DROP?
That is just a slightly different projection of the hyper intelligent pandimensional beings which we call rats.
“Bort was here.”
“Eat slort, smoke blorp.”
At least theres no “dck” this time
For the uninitiated:
NSFW version: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ai-generated-rat-anatomy-illustration
Finger hands! Finger hands! Holy shit look at those finger hands!
Is it accurate? No it’s not! Just look at those creepy finger hands.
AI… loves to make crappy hands.Remember: never confuse the Olframory regrion with the Orfancfary regain.
Many a student has had to drop out because of this classic blunder.
This is a great resource for illustrating different regions of the brain, like the tomgfcerty, the Endecelest racion, Galagacrial region, and Intervaiscailance Raclan. There is even a good illustration of the Olmformforlmery!
Brain half the size of its body AND three legs?!
It’s the ubermouse!
Well, two legs, and attached to the left leg is part of its tail hoop, which it uses to strangle its prey. What looks like a foot is actually used to gather the excess length of tail and tighten the hoop, and also assists in gripping the prey.
Is that… a can opener? Below the violet “Temrousy” area?
The feet look extremely creepy.
Maybe because it has three on its left side and only one on its right?
Yes, and additionally they look like human fingers
It’s easy to forget the cochlear implant, terminal cap, and spring loaded angry bird region of the brain. Good on that AI for remembering.
Terminal cap! That’s what my mouse was missing!
But I like procrastinating by spending too much time on the graphics