It’s fun.
-“old” guy
Your comment made me wonder about generational differences when it comes to drugs of choice, since psychedelics seemingly fell out of favor there for a bit while cocaine took over. I wonder how each generation’s drug use affects their consciousness and such. Some random data:
The 90’s were rather low from a drugs usage pov. Wonder if a sense of security and happiness play into this.
Was there no drug use in 1989?
Yep, that was the only year we won the war on drugs.
Cocain is to expensive in this economy
LSD is $5 for 1, $10 for two and 3 for free!
You’re taking the three all at once right now.
If only
Is it not a thing where you’re at?
No man i live in a place where drugs are so expensive.
Remote Australia isn’t great for it
Yeah that checks out.
I wonder what drugs they included in each category? I know there was a lot of ecstasy back in the 90’s .
I’m guessing it’s in hallucinogens which would explain the 90s
As a chart:
Created using Google lens to extract the text and then pasted it into
Nice work. What if it was a line graph with x as the year, y as the percentage, and each line representing the different drug class? Would that be too many lines?
That’s great! Its not perfect but it quickly shows that cocaine and pain killers are the real ones making moves. Hallucinogens don’t appear to have changed much.
A stacked area chart would also work great.
Wasn’t much work tbh.
i just copy pasted the js back to highcharts chat gt and told it to change it to a line graph :
It might need to be told to put the time on the x axis though 😂
You should post this to !
Iduno if I’d go so far as to call it beautiful 😂
Also looks like chat gpt “fixed” the gap for 1989 and I failed to notice… Oops.
You know that theory that hallucinogens helped us move up from apes? Maybe humanity is ready for it’s next move up?
But seriously, “because they’re fun” and “reality isn’t promising or hopeful” are probably the big ones here.
combine that with the fact that no one trusts the government to tell them what drugs are dangerous anymore. maybe you never did, but many many people used to not do various drugs because they trusted that they were illegal for a reason. the current state of marijuana being federally illegal and clearly not hurting people that bad has made that much much harder to believe.
Fun fact, the mountain where Moses did the Ten Commandments thing? It had a native hallucinogenic plant growing in it.
Is this true? I’ve always assumed he was tripping.😆
It’s true, there are two plants native to the area that produce the psychoactive compounds also found in Ayahuasca. Peganum harmala aka harmel or wild rue, and Acacia confusa aka ayangile or formosan koa
The former is a short, bushy flowering herb, and the latter is a variety of tree that Noah might have used to build the ark.
variety of tree that Noah might have used to build the ark.
or a trebuchet, or a wooden horse. each seems as realistic as an ark.
He did trip, that’s how he broke the third tablet. Used to be the 15 commandments.
Or maybe reality isn’t promising or hopeful due to people taking hallucinogens instead of tinkering or creating or rioting.
I’ve never taken one. Reality sucks
Mine sucked less than usual yesterday, but it was a mistake to walk that much with cold, so today it sucks more than usual.
I’m sorry. Even though I dont know you, I really hope things get better for you (and for everyone else) :\
Yeah, they’ll do, and then they’ll get worse, and then again better, and further the zebra way.
Because they always have?
Because hallucinogens are increasingly understood to have potential therapeutic benefits?
Because hallucinogens fucking rock?
Because no seriously they have for as long as we can find any evidence whether or not they have wherever they’ve been available. Like think shroom tripping in a ziggurat level always have. Tripping hunter gatherers. They always have.
Dont forget to hangup the phone when you recieved the message. And start over 25.
gestures broadly at the real world
this plus increasing availability.
Because they are fucking awesome, I bet.
Shrooms are astoundingly awesome. It cured my depression and I have been much happier since. I ate 11.7 grams of high power dried shrooms and had the craziest experience of my life a few months ago. Got stuck in a time loop, lived many lives, became other people, was a duck spirit. It was a journey unlike anything imaginable without them. We knew we were in for a hell of a ride when the buzz was strong less than 5 minutes after eating them. The buzz doubled in intensity every 5 minutes and 20 minutes in I fell through a checkered white tunnel with floating honey falling above me. Landed on a dark circular lawn looking up at the divine tower of music as me and my fellow duck spirit friends stood in a circle worshiping the music. It got so much crazier after that. I did piss myself but read after, that is par for the course at such extreme doses
I guess I need to up my doses. I have slowly increased my dose of acid every time i take it, and I have only had entirely comprehensible experiences. Like normal experiences, but, I feel good insteadm
Well that’s a stupid question in the first place.
They were literally life-changing for me, to the point that I would sincerely encourage my kids to try them in a safe/responsible manner when they’re of age/if they’re of interest.
There was an interesting study recently done that monitored the brain scans of participants before and after usage of psychedelics.
It showed that while something like 80% of the participants claimed huge changes in themselves (thought processes, outlook on life, etc) there was no measurable difference in their brain patterns.
Edit: because I keep getting replies. I just found it to be interesting, I’m not saying there aren’t any benefits and that it hasn’t helped people. It just wasn’t the outcome I would have thought and thought it was worth sharing.
Perception is notoriously difficult to quantify in any meaningful way
Why would there be?
Can you link the study please? The only study I’m aware of like that is the one that tested microdosing. Macrodosing has a very significant documented effect on the brain.
I don’t think that psychedelics make you literally think differently in the long term. They do make you think differently while you’re tripping though.
My theory is that they essentially take away your ability to ignore things for a while, forcing you to confront things you normally keep bottled up. And that can lead to life-altering insights.
Also why tripping with unresolved trauma can be either helpful or super dangerous. Or both.
I have nearly 100 pounds of weight loss and a complete loss of religion/change in worldview that both beg to differ. Anecdotal, but rather convincing to me. Have you tried psychedelics?
I have, and I’m not saying it doesn’t have a life changing effect. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit.
brain patterns
this is incredibly vague. what type of measurement and periods of measurement were used, ECGs? I don’t think current ‘brain pattern’ imaging science is capable of describing the nuances of caffeine, much less psilocybin on actual human thought processes. Also, could you cite the study? Please, I’d like to read it!
I hope people actually read the article before downvoting it - it frames psychedelics in a positive light and offers a lot of interesting research.
They’re, like, fun. Duh.
To hallucinate. Next question.
I love beer but I realize alcohol is really, really bad for me. I wonder if what “the kids these days” use is actually healthier for the body. Yes, overdosing on some of these drugs may kill you but so can an alcohol overdose.
Yeah ask those ppl who overdosed on shrooms and acid.
Let’s not pretend hallucinogenics don’t have their own dangers, but yes overdosing is usually not one of them.
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Cuz capitalism and the world we are living in is so fucked right now, esp with the economy. None of us will own a house, none of us are able to progress due to societal hierarchies, ai having the potential to take nearly all our jobs, mental health treatment is practically non-existent if your poor, everyone is basically fucked and so no one has a purpose anymore and so the only true form of escapism is for ppl to take drugs and just hope we manage to live to the next day due to it. It’s literally a coping mechanism to manage in this horrific world whilst everyone that is privileged af is literally taking everything we ever wanted.
Why don’t you cry it about it you big puss
Why don’t you have fucking empathy for once?
You big twat.It’s all gon be ok chile, come rest your lil head on big momma’s tit
Spiked? Looks like it has barely changed since the 1970’s
It’s funny to read things like:" kids these days taking drugs, weird." When prohibition ind the usa was in full swing, people killed themself by drinking too much, drinking run off alcohol out of the gutter or pure alcohol. Pretty much everything to not have to be sober. But sure kids therse days sure are weird
If you think the prohibition era was heavily intoxicated (and it definitely was), you should read about the almost four and a half decade era aptly named The Great Binge!
Everybody was just constantly getting high on every combination of everything back then!
Haven’t done any, but I’d imagine it’s cause they feel good and it’s better than the reality we are currently stuck in/heading towards because of the people in power.
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