There is one screw on this chart that I have a mortal hatred for. Just one. That being the fat Phillips (called “Phillips/square” on this chart meme thing).
I have no idea why, but some companies can’t resist the sadistic urge to put tiny versions of these fuckers on equipment that should just use a torque or Phillips screw head. But no, they want you to truly suffer. Because they don’t stop there: they make the fragile little fuckers out of NICKEL. Which means they are extra malleable and prone to strip if you so much as look at them the wrong way. So imagine you need to replace a hard drive on a RAID-type storage pool that’s already down two spares and you can’t fucking get the drive out of it’s sled because the vendor not only hired a bodybuilder to tighten the screws, but simultaneously chose the worst possible metal just for giggles and chose the screw head that they no body will have the proper bit for and will inevitably use a normal phillips on until it strips.
I now have a ritual procedure of putting every drive that gets replaced in the coldest cold aisle in the datacenter for at least 5 minutes just to make these fucking screws less likely to ruin my day.
Fuck whoever invented the fat phillips, even the lowest ring of hell is too good for them.
All IKEA furniture uses Pozidriv (no “e”, it’s a trademark). Not going to say if that’s good or bad, but operating a Pozidriv with a Phillips is always going to be terrible.
I don’t see how square/triangle worldbt be ideal. They don’t look like they’d strip nearly as bad
Philips screws are awful. They strip if you look at them wrong. Flatheads should only be used on thumbscrews just in case you need a little extra torque from a screwdriver.
Torx and Hex are excellent.
The image feels like it should be posted in c/unpopularopinions
I work on electronics and woodworking and Phillips are the utter worst of both of them. The thread lock in computers makes them easy to strip when unscrewing. The resistance of driving them into wood makes them guaranteed to strip when screwing. Fuck them.
Fuck this. Torx, Hex, square drive are all positive engagement. Phillips is literally designed to cam out. Slotted is just the first head type to have existed because of how easy it is to make, but is far inferior to every other type.
No mention of JIS which is yet another “fuck Phillips” argument
A lot of those wacky screws exist solely to keep people from randomly messing with them. You have to really go out of your way the get the right tool for the job, and that’s if there even is one.
Like the one-way screws holding together bathroom stalls.
You can tell a shitpost is a shitpost when it is entirely wrong
Agreed, Phillips needs to get Thanos’d.
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Wow, person making this chart actually has no clue. First two are absolute worst nightmare. Torx, Pozidrive, JIS, Alan all great with minimum damage.
It’s the “grandpa has been using slotted all his life so it can’t be bad” reasoning. I can’t think of a single use case I’d want slotted or even philips, if I’ve got a choice. Torx or bust!
If you’re having trouble with Torx, buy better screws and bits. There are so many terrible screws around. The difference between a deep well fitting head and the cheap trash is massive.
I’m American and even i can agree Robertson are the goat.
Phillips and flat suck. Not enough surface area on Phillips, resulting in stripped screws. And getting centered on flat sucks.
Robertson drive, just pop your driver in and it’s self centering, lots of surface contact to drive, and lots of meat on the head to prevent stripping. Anything more than 4 edges is unnecessary.
My boy, you do NOT do Robinson dirty like that.
I’m sorry but you’re going to have to hand in your passport.
You must have never used torx. It’s excellent. Hex is also okay.
Robertson (square) is also great, and it’s as Canadian as bagged milk
Torx were basically invented because Henry Ford wanted to have exclusive use of the patent for robertsons and the Canadian didn’t want to do that.
Henry Ford was a terrible person for so many reasons, but this one really pisses me off.
Really not a fan of Hex (it just cams out way too easily) but Torx is like screwdriver orgasm. Philips just feels like intentionally bad design
Philips just feels like intentionally bad design
Philips are designed the way they are so that they “cam out”. Meaning if too much force is applied to the screw, the driver will intentionally pop out to avoid damaging the tool or the fastener. Its a feature, not a flaw. A Robertson (square), torx, or hex will let you apply enough force until the screw or the driver fail catastrophically.
Maximum ugga duggas!
The Robertson, being a Canadian invention, appropriately allows the “full send” method of applying force.
Flatheads are awful and you know it.