Once you got the stick, ain’t nobody gonna tell you that you can’t take the rock too.
Exactly. Raise the stick over your head and scream: I HAVE THE POWER!
What if they throw the rock at your head, knock you out, and take your stick?
Swing batter.
Stick. No question. No hesitation. That’s a damn good stick.
Neither, enjoy them there but when you leave they are for the forest to keep
Agreed. But look at that stick. Perfectly balanced with cross guard.
That stick won’t last very long in the forest.
The rock, put it back and no one will find it for centuries. Maybe it’s fair to take it so others can see it and appreciate its beauty.
Exactly. Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints.
Rock for sure. That thing would make me happy every time I see it for years. The stick is neat but I’m probably just gonna break it by accident.
Sticks are temporary, but rocks are forever
I want the stick, but I know the rock is all around more practical.
I’d argue stick is more practical. You’re already outdoors, stick gives you walking aid, brush clearing, spider web first defense, potential weapon. Even non perfect rocks are useful but a great stick is mikes ahead of a wonky one.
The rock would make a better weapon than that stick.
Press X to doubt.
Stone has one use as a thrown weapon, and you must have accuracy. It could be used as a blunt instrument but that requires very close proximity.
Alternatively you can sharpen the stick, and have a length to keep things at bay.
I understand that this is a hypothetical scenario. So please, educate me on how taking a rock vs a stick being “practical” isn’t a wild argument…
Oh no. I distract my wife and take them both?
Is there any other option? There’s no way to just leave one of those behind. It is just unthinkable.
It’s ok. I’ll distract your wife.
EZ. Stick.
Bruh the rock is coming regardless. The only question is whether you have room for the stick too
If you don’t have room for the stick inside the house, leave it next to the back door
I’ll take the stick and use it to make you give me the rock.
Rock. Look at it.
Rock. Then I use it to crack the skull of the dude who took the stick and now I have both.
The rock of course. Why would you want a stick that has the thin proportions of a sword? A thin, lightweight sword only works because of the sharp blade. A “perfect” stick would be more of a straight pole, or have a heavier end for bludgeoning.
Stick can go “swoosh” when you swing it.
I already have a pretty perfect rock. But a perfect stick is a rare find. I think I’ll take another rock