What would be some fact that, while true, could be told in a context or way that is misinfomating or make the other person draw incorrect conclusions?
What would be some fact that, while true, could be told in a context or way that is misinfomating or make the other person draw incorrect conclusions?
You are much more likely to die in a hospital than anywhere else.
Wait until you hear the fatality rate for hospice residents
I don’t think this one is true, unless you mean it a different way than I’m interpreting it.
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc1911892#:~:text=In 2003%2C a total of,%25)%20to%20534%2C714%20(20.8%25).
(This is the US)
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I mean, hospitals smell like death, shit, sanitizer and MRSA - to me it doesn’t sound in any way like misinformation. I worked in a hospital for a year and I’m never going back just dig me fucking hole in the yard and chuck me in there. Give me a straw and a bell to ring if I happen to survive.