My diet is only animal fat, not even meat, just the fat. Breakfast lunch and dinner. My eyeballs are greasy, and my tears are just 100% tallow. I don’t even drink water. Because of this, i can stare at the sun for hours a day and have no issues. I’ve never had a sunburn. Wake up people.
CW Junji Ito/gross stuff
God damn Junji Ito is so good at horror
I wish I could do horror comics, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but there’s just no market for it. So I have to draw what sells instead of what I would like to pursue.
I would love to live like those coastal lizards where you don’t have to do very much thinky. You sit in the sun, maybe eat something, and listen to the waves instead of doing the same with social media
The waves: “Actually, Joe Biden has accomplished a lot! Trump is going to be even worse to Palestinians!”
I deeply encourage every may-I mean person of pallor to embrace their birthright and stand out in the sunlight for hours on end every day
Embrace your history!
Funny how skin cancer disproportionately affects white people living in sunny areas, I guess that’s another one of Yakub’s little jokes
Australians are just defective whites
Modern fascism is so wacky, they’re all basically led around by grifters and snake oil salesmen.
nothing new in American politics, grifters and snake oil salesmen literally formed a major religion around themselves here (Mormonism)
“swaddled in the flag” was some hot bullshit
American fascism came marching in with former confederate officers and flanked by guys in round thatch hats singing about pool tables.
I’ll have you know snake oil is a superior fat which will allow you to sun yourself on a rock like a reptile
Let the mayos burn.
In all sincerity though, I feel awful for those people’s children.
“I love the sun. It’s great, right? I can look at it any time I want. But ya gotta be smart. Lotsa people don’t know this but I told Daedalus - I told him ‘Look, wings made of wax won’t work. I got an airline - use that.’ But Daedalus didn’t listen to me. And his son, Icarus, flew-flew-flew up the sky. And then - you know what? Then he crashed and died. Sad.”
in awe at the powerful eyeballs on this big wet boy
It’s not fair to compare Trump to Biden in this case. It’s just his eyeball-ball-ball-ball-ball-ball-ball stutter.
Biden unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan via genocide.
Even if that was true (it’s not, long term exposure to UV rays from the sun causes skin cancer), sun damage is still a thing. I live in a super sunny country, I don’t want my skin to look like worn out leather by the time I’m 50. I’m putting on sunscreen every morning. SPF50.
Also the Andrew Huberman guy, basically a “science based” Joe Rogan knockoff, advised against putting on sunscreen because he thinks that the chemicals in it are more harmful than the damage caused by the sun. For some reason health and fitness gurus are going hard against sunscreen at the moment. I have no idea why they are doing this. One of the easiest ways to stay looking younger is to use sunscreen every day lol. Probably the easiest health and beauty “biohack” that exists. 30 seconds of work a day which consists of applying a cheap cream to your face and exposed skin, so you look 15-20 years younger when you’re 60. You’d think health and fitness gurus would promote the hell out of this.
You’d think health and fitness gurus would promote the hell out of this.
Why? By the time their flock are wrinkled and riddled with cancer they’ll have already made their bag and cashed out.
A couple of sus people I know on social media always post his videos. Glad to know it’s about what I expected.
Also last year I read a book called The Skincare Hoax. It basically says all you need is some lotion and sunscreen. I actually stopped using soap on my face after reading it and my skin looks better than ever.
I still use soap on my body obviously. Sunscreen is definitely not bs though lol. It’s one of the few things that isn’t.
Even if you’re almost always indoors/work nights? I always lathered up multiple times when I worked outside or whenever I went anywhere to hang out in the sun, but maybe I need to add sunscreen to my daily routine of peering hatefully at the rays that intrude into my cave.
Ken D Berry
Tells people not to eat vegetation
He should change his name to Ken D Constipated
His middle name is Dingle
According to the US school system he counts as both a serving of meat and vegetables. Get at 'im, kids.
Without opening the link, how much should I bet he’s a chiropractor?
Lol. If your work results in people being suspicious and asking if you’re a quack, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to be a doctor
I’m just saying if we all wore hoods or floppy straw hats we’d need less sunscreen.
omg its just like one piece
Israel’s skin cancer rate says hi
Inferior Seed Oils
Sunflower seeds
Doesn’t protect against the sun
An interesting hypothesis.
I want One Piece in real life!
We have One Piece in real life
One Piece IRL: Ken D. BerryThis is like 1 or 2 steps removed from the “functional medicine” fuckheads that my mom was introduced to a year or two ago and is now pretty into. Thankfully she’s not at the point of eating red meat and butter and eggs exclusively but there’s some kooky stuff in there and the fact that you can find licensed doctors promoting every fucking variety of horrible misinfo makes my blood boil