Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.
Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.
Tell you what - I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden…
For one, Trump is so overtly a Russian asset it isn’t even funny. No enemy of Russia would speak of them the way Trump has both during and after his presidency. Combined with negative comments he has made about Ukraine and the war, he absolutely will cut any and all US assistance to Ukraine - his best effort to hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter.
And you’d be mistaken if you think the Palestinians would fare much better considering in the few public statements he’s made about Gaza show him openly supporting both the actions of Israel and Netanyahu, calling on them to finish it quicker.
If your reaction to Biden’s weak descalation of Gaza is to allow someone who’s public intentions are even worse to take office, then all I can say is I hope that high-horse was worth it.
This is fash shit.
oh look BlueMAGA has something to say
Damn, you must’ve dug deep for that scathing nickname - but do you seriously think I’m wrong?
It doesn’t matter what could have happened, who could have done what, the situation is that your choices are Biden or Trump, and one of those is a whole lot worse than the other, despite what some other people commenting on this post think.
Trump has literally done nothing as remotely as evil as Biden’s relentless support of Israel’s genocide. Would it be worse under Trump? Potentially, but Trump isn’t president right now
The word you’re looking for there is “yet”, and that “yet” would be doing a whole lot of heavy lifting.
I’ll defer back to my initial comment - if you want to let Trump in and find out, you’d better be ready to shut it when he does worse.
You cannot beat anyone over the head with a moral cudgel when you are supporting genocide. Period. Frankly, supporting Biden – perhaps the most ardent Zionist in American politics – is so morally despicable that it makes me feel physically ill. If you the status quo is acceptable to you, then by all means continue giving it your approval.
Don’t you fucking dare, however, suggest that people refusing to hand their vote to that evil cretin are somehow the ones OK with what’s going on in Palestine.
Oh, I’ll sure as shit beat you over the head with it until it goes in - neither major candidate up for election is going to stop the genocide anytime soon, and since for most intents and purposes we exist in a two-party system,the only thing your protest vote is going to do is hand Trump the keys to the castle.
If you want to let that happen and stick with your “he hasn’t done worse” shtick, then by all means do so, but you’re only fooling yourself. Everything he has said publicly, and what he did during his last presidency (see reply by @wildncrazyguy), indicates he will do worse given the opportunity…
As I said before, if you really do sit there and refuse to vote, and if it does come to pass that Trump gets in and does what he says/indicates he wants to do, I hope you realise that you willingly participated in letting that happen.
Guess who’s taking about Trump here? NOBODY.
You have absolutely no idea how weak this line of argument makes Biden look. Oh you’d be better than literally the worst person to have ever been president? Wow omg I can’t wait to vote for you. Talk about a low fucking bar.
That’s odd, because if you bothered to look any further down you actually would see comments talking about Trump, and there were more before.
But that aside, you’ll find that’s because I’m not advocating for Biden - any more progressive candidate would’ve been better, but that’s not what we got. What I AM advocating is against Trump - I hardly think I need to explain why.
Since it’s basically impossible for an independent to win, if you don’t want Trump, your only option is Biden. That’s it, whether we like it or not.
I agree.
But this post is about a thing Biden has done. Surely you can see how so many people jumping right to this “lesser of two evils” argument in response to something like this might look like an attempt to shield him from criticism?
Honestly what could Biden actually do that would change the choice on election day? Unless he transforms into literally Hitler it is kind of a given that any reasonable person needs to vote for him, surely?
As I said before, I was focusing on all the replies that were around when I first commented that were commenting on/advocating for Trump - that is why I said “I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden”, because that is the sentiment I saw.
I can see how that would look like an attempt to shield him from criticism, but at the same time I don’t think I’m wrong in saying it doesn’t really matter - unless you want Trump in the Whitehouse again, Biden is the only choice…
I’m not saying I like the fact that the only two candidates we have are basically “allow the genocide to continue for the foreseeable future” or “escalate the genocide, and let Russias do what they want to Ukraine”, but that is what we’re stuck with.