I’ve best heard it described as “a rogue and a bard who can only seem to roll Nat 20s and Nat 1s”.
Would it be possible to play a DnD game where the dice are replaced with coins and every role is a 20 or a 1?
You might be interested in “rolling with emphasis”, a house rule by Brandon Lee Mulligan. Rather than rolling twice and taking the best/worst result, you take the result furthest from 10. Designed for actions that can only end really well or really badly.
One of my favorite magic items to give players. I don’t remember which DM I stole it from, but it’s so fun. I don’t remember the precise wording but it’s something like
All or Nothing Coin
While in possession of this coin you may choose to expend one charge to replace your d20 with a coin for your next attack, save or check. Treat a heads as a natural 20 and a tails as a natural 1.
The coin may hold a maximum of 4 charges at time. At dawn all charges are either depleted or restored (determined by coin flip)
That’s actually a pretty awesome item, yoink
Two con-men bards that persuade their way into being treated as gods in the pursuit of women and gold? Yeah, that tracks.
“DnD game that got out of hand” is redundant
What is this from? After seeing the “both’s good” gif a billion times and now this, I HAVE to know!
The road to El dorado. It is a fantastic movie.