What the fuck has happened in New York to justify the need for airport level security in subways?
They hired a cop to be mayor.
This is probably all about shutting down the next blm or occupy or whatever by creating check points at transit hubs.
In Chicago during the BLM protests they shut down the trains and then raised all the bridges so you couldn’t get out then issued a curfew. They literally made a giant kettle
Yeah. Literal super-villain shit.
It doesn’t bear out statistically that the subway is dangerous this is literally because of crime stories that go viral that create this perception. If you use the argument I just made people will literally accuse you of gaslighting them. Oh oh and another thing the New Yorkers who scream the loudest about this shit are the ones that DONT ride the subway; they’re fucking cowards. I’ve spent thousands of hours on the subway while there have been uncomfortable moments I have never been attacked or thought I was going to be attacked. It’s fucking safe as fuck; I’ve been to plenty of places in America where I felt unsafe and I’m telling you the nyc subway is fucking safe as fuckkkk. People are racist cowards.
Edit: I don’t want to sound too dismissive though as I’m a tall dude and at the end of the day; In the same way it can be sketchy to walk in certain parts of town at 2am as a woman the same is for the subway; sexual harassment happens and just like nearly every woman has a story of being sexually harassed/assaulted above ground; nearly every woman I talk to that rides the subway has a story of something happening down there. Obviously the fascist security theater in the OP won’t have any impact on that whatsoever but yeah safety is relative and I understand engrained misogyny can create very different perceptions of these environments for woman, trans, GNC ect
But there’s no money for housing.
are they trying to privatise & dismantle the subway? decrease ridership, pump costs, making it this theatrical political problem?
then it’ll be proposed that a private interest can rejuvenate and solve all these manufactured problems
I hate this country so, so much.
I love how the NYC subway is quite literally falling apart, by far the most decrepit unsafe looking metro system ive ever been on, and this is where they decide to spend money
Not to say there isn’t tons of work to be done but “dingy looking” and ancient =/= unsafe and falling apart. Shit’s still safer than driving a car, for example, and it’s certainly falling apart less than the T in boston
Now compare it to other countries not other US cities.
Lmao. Collapsing fucking empire with good PR.
There’s tons of work to be done to make it a modern system competitive with other nations in terms of technology, cleanliness, speed, etc., but it’s not to the level of unsafe and falling apart. I’m just a little defensive because this is exactly how people who want to gut transit describe it, and its over-sensationalized.
Just because it’s functional doesn’t mean it’s not a dilapidated shithole. There’s so many trains and routes in the subway that are one bad day away from 6 months of shutdown for maintenance, including some critical bottlenecks between the outer boroughs and Manhattan, and the MTA would rather spend hundreds of millions on security theater.
I love living in a place where public transit is a legitimate option, but much like the bridge in Baltimore I’m just waiting to see the whole thing collapse under it’s own weight while the rich fucks in charge just shrug their shoulders and inform us it’ll be $20 billion into their pockets and 15 years to get 40% functionality back.
Very true just giving my worthless outsider’s perspective I guess. Almost anything anyone does is safer than driving a car, isn’t it ?
Theoretically, walking is more dangerous than driving per kilometer. But what this statistic ignores is that you do not walk the same distance that you drive. It also ignores the health benefits of exercise.
That sucks to hear as someone who’s never been on a subway other than in GTA4. Being able to go from one end of my city to the other without driving sounds nice.
It’s amazing honestly, I only wish they would keep making it better where I live instead of letting it get rusty while increasing the price
You haven’t been to Boston recently then.
Thankfully not
China: high speed rail and efficiency
America: You have to be scanned and there will be a cop with a drug dog
Ok, but have you considered the following: China bad
to be fair the shanghai metro also has security(which imo kinda unnecessary but fair ig). but even then they have an actually nice metro
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- Millimeter wave scanners use non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation similar to that used by wireless data transmitters, in the extremely high frequency (EHF) radio band (which is a lower frequency than visible light). The health risks posed by these machines are still being studied, and the evidence is mixed, though millimeter wave scanners do not generate ionizing radiation.
cool, maybe some of the 5g, antivax dorks will do something useful for a change
No, you don’t understand. 5G has the bad, socialist death particles, not the good, tough-on-crime white-hat kind that only targets antifa and inner-city youths.
They also instantly destroy insulin pumps which is fun
Uh… wtf
“This is our Sputnik moment,” Adams said at a news conference at Fulton Transit Center in Lower Manhattan. “Like when Kennedy said we’re going to put a man on the moon. … Let’s bring on the scanners.”
In bad country the state tracks your every movement. You cannot even leave your neighborhood to go to work without passing through a state checkpoint.
Every day, capitalism finds new and horrible ways to ruin public services.
Wouldn’t surpise me if this was exactly for that purpose
i don’t even have words for this one. this is completely deranged even by US standards. they’re going to make you go through the TSA experience every single day. it won’t do anything to stop crime or terrorism or anything that it says on its face. they’re going to do this, it’s going to stay, and the only people who are for it are people who don’t use the subway
god damn america
Every day I get blasted by x-rays.
Have very little money.
Twice a day at least… Fucking miserable timeline.
How the fuck is this even a little bit feasible at any station during rush hour
They’ll streamline the process by hiring 200% more cops which will work gangbusters by making things even slower.
it isnt. you will buy a car or you will be anally probed
BTW these things also scan the genital area. If an unoperated trans woman passes through, it flags her for having a hidden weapon in her crotch. This has been a source of forced outings, public humiliation and in some cases outright sexual harassment by flight security staff ever since these machines where introduced at airports, i find the idea that somebody could be forced to endure that before every subway ride absolutely nightmarish.
Aren’t these the ones that also instantly destroy insulin pumps?