WOKE is still applicable but in a more limited role now.
Smh sjw cancelled by woke dei
Woke failed because it has too many letters. You can’t expect a hog to spell a $5 word like that. SJW and DEI keep it short and simple.
ETA before the hogs are just going around getting mad at [glottal stop meaning “bad thing”]?
The world moves too quickly
Even the SJWs are getting great replaced
DEI? Miss me with that woke shit… Better get in my pickup truck and DUI
This might be where I check out.
I’ve been hanging on since “politically correct”
Disco Elysium Injoyers
You rang 😏
Sorry, but I hate the word equity. It’s been thoroughly lib washed. I had to sit through so many meetings where libs gestured at how important equity is without ever describing steps to achieve it.
It was really, in translation, “we’d really enjoy it if more brown people paid to enroll here”
Gone but not forgotten
Dolores Dei?
Have they forgotten about CRT yet? Haven’t heard that one in a while.
People started realizing the “woke teachers are teaching your kids CRT” line was bullshit given that CRT was never actually taught below college level, and “college students are electing to take CRT classes” doesn’t quite have the same kick. Obviously they’re not opposed to just blatantly fucking lying, but most likely they just found a more effective grift.
kindergarteners learning about nam jun paik and the development of the trinitron
What the fuck does DEI stand for?
Dolitical correctness
Eocial justice warriors
Latin for “GOD’S”
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (oh no!)
It’s usually corporate initiatives that don’t do anything meaningful for minorities outside of superficial things. But reactionaries fail to see its purpose is to support capitalism and their treats and think it’s some Marxist plot
Surely it’s equality and not equity right? I’m not sure there is a difference, but equity doesn’t sound as apt.
It’s equity. Id recommend googling the difference between equity and equality, they have some really important differences.
I did Google and you’re right. They’re similar, but with distinct differences.
what an obnoxious comment. look it up, dumbass.
equity doesn’t sound as apt!!!
Chill my guy. I was only being curious about the words.
Obnoxious? In what way?
not curious enough to look it up though?
it’s annoying having to read the words you write. im talking about your existence.
Just like having interaction with people sometimes.
Have a great day my guy.