How about feet of IBM punch cards?
A 1 foot tall stack holds 1,647,360 bits of data if all 80 columns are used. If only 72 columns are used for data then it’s 1,482,624 bits of data and the remaining columns can be used to number each card so they can be put back in order after the stack is dropped.
I like this because the amount of bits in a stack can vary depending on whose foot you use to measure, or the thickness of the card stock.
I would suggest:
- 1KB = storage capacity of 1 kg of 1.44 floppy disks.
- 1MB = storage capacity of 0.0106 mile of CD drives.
- 1GB = storage capacity of 1 good computer in the 2000s.
- 1TB = storage capacity of 1 truck of GB (see above)
PS: just to be clear, I meant CD drives, not CD discs.
I know you’re joking, but that first Kb definition makes me grind my teeth!
1.44 floppy disks can store, well, 1.44 MEGAbytes. So how can 1 kg of floppy disks can just store 1 KB?
Thank you for your compliment. I love it. The floppy disk is 1.44 non-freedom MB, not 0.015264 miles of CD drives.
1 kg
(͡•_ ͡• )
Don’t you mean one pound, abbreviated lb?
Naw, it’s actually one Kinda Gallon; a Kinda Gallon of course referring to the average of the masses of a gallon of water, a gallon of beer, and a gallon of whiskey.
Size of an uncompressed image of the Washington Crossing the Delaware painting = 1 Yankee
12 Yankees in a Doodle
60 Doodles in an Ounce (entirely unrelated to the volume or weight usage of ounce)
bit, Nibble, Byte, Word, doubleword, longword, quadword, double-quadword, verylongword, halfword
They check all Imperial criteria:
- confusing names
- some used only in some systems
- size depends on where you are
- some may overlap
- doesn’t manage to cover all the possible needs, but do you really need more than 64 bits?
- would probably cause you to crash a rocket
,long long
unsigned long long
andminus unsigned long long
1 tweet = 140 bytes
1 (printed) page = 60 lines of 60 characters = 3600 bytes
1 moa (minute of audio in 128000 bps mp3) = 960000 bytes
1 mov (minute of video) = typically around 30MB but varies by resolution and encoding, like ounces vs troy ounces vs apothecary ounces.
1 loc (library of congress, used for measuring hard drive capacity) = around 10TB depending on jurisdiction.
why go for RAMs when the constitution says ARMs…
and no more bits or bytes too, double bytes small or quadbytes regular size all the way.
kilo bytes is a grand
mega bytes is a venti
giga bytes is a grand venti
terabytes is a doble venti
really large amounts of ARM is a ton
Football fields, Olympic size swimming pools, hotdogs, and quarters
From smallest to biggest:
Bits (basic unit)
Bytes (8:1 reduction)
Words (4:1 reduction)
KiB (32:1 reduction)
MiB (1024:1)
GiB (1024:1)
TiB (1024:1)
PiB (1024:1)
A normal amount of porn (237:1)
12 bits to an eagle
27 eagles to a liberty (changes whenever an amendment is added)
1776 liberties to a freedom
Computers are still programmed in bytes, but filesize is always in freedoms.
Try KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, those are metric, KB is not
Other way round: prefixes that contain “bi” are binary, so 1024-based.
my harddrive is 250 toby keiths and my processer is 500 lee greenwoods
@cupcakezealot @BmeBenji why not 100 trumps processor rate.
Did anyone say Magabyte yet?
1/6th of a MAGAbyte is an insurrection
Ugh. I hate you.
Mp3s, standard def movies, HD movies, and 4k movies.
I’ve seen so many products advertised by how many “songs” or “movies” it can hold. Never mind you can encode the same movie to be massive or small. So I think we’ve found the right answer!