seen-this-one Make Titanic Great Again steering-device

  • Greenleaf [he/him]
    1 year ago

    But will vaccinated people be allowed on the ship?

    Yeah, we’ve got to extend our hand in love and friendship for people being vaccinated despite the side effects. We have to look after them. And they’re all good people. We’re all the same really, like white, green, yellow, whatever it is — to embrace each other.

    These anti-vax people are really living in their own little worlds, aren’t they? They genuinely believe anyone who got the vax is walking around like a plague rat. And white folks - even those who aren’t billionaires, have the privilege of being able to create their own little insane realities.

    This gets to something you said in your recent press conference, which is that the Titanic reflects traditional values instead of “woke” values. So can you explain what that means?

    There’s been a concept in society that you can cancel people. I think you know what I mean by “canceled” people, and we think that’s a terrible concept. The United States was founded on the rights of men to be different. The diversity that we’ve had in our economy, in our intellectual development has really meant that’s developed our society to a higher level. I’m talking about Western society in general. So the French Revolution, the American Revolution, all those things were brought about by individuals [claiming] their rights to express an opinion or view. I mean, you should have the right to be wrong.

    In case you’re not familiar with coded whitey speak, this all sounds like gibberish because he can’t say the real reason, which is that he just wants to try and go back to a time where non-white people were just barely visible in the background of white peoples lives, and they were never put in a place power or prominence.