His point around 7:20 is very important. It’s a trap of which I am definitely a victim:
" ‘Just hit accept and play. You aren’t important or powerful enough to spend brainpower on this.’
It’s not about whether or not I believe that there will be a societally important reason that I personally sue Blizzard […] It’s about this very slow erosion of rights and the lowering expectations. "
My expectations of corperations is eroded as fuck mane. I literally accept that they are taking advantage of me because ‘that’s just how it is’.
I suppose it’s time to pirate WC3, SC2, and brood war rather than play them on the account I bought them on.
2024: Blizzard discovers enshittification and embraces it fully.
Rossman does rant quite a bit in his videos, but he’s often very spot on.
I wasn’t intending to buy anything of theirs in the near future anyway, luckily. Now I see even less reason to “donate” money to them by their definition of “purchase”.
Well Blizzard isn’t going to see my money any time soon then. It’s unfortunate because I love Starcraft but they don’t want me to purchase any of their stuff because apparently “purchase” means nothing to them except to suck money out of apathetic drones.
Also the SC2 Arcade mode recently had an exploit that leaks IP addresses due to poorly filtered text rendering.
I thought the courts decided these over reaching TOS agreements don’t mean anything, unless that was reversed?
It was decided nobody reads them anyways, so they cannot be enforced.
Unfortunately i was having a blast since Classic launched and i could play again what i once fell in love with. It’s easy to stop when the offering is modern Wow which in my opinion is really bad. I was having so much fun with Classic Hardcore and Classic Era. Time to stop completely or play on bad private servers i guess.
play on bad private servers i guess
Oh damn, I ate too many selfhosted letters, I’m afraid I’ll have to vomit.
Vanilla vmangos
TBC cmangos
WotLK AzerothCore TrinityCoreHaaaa, I think it’s finally over…
Urgh. Sorry. Nothing to see here, move along everybody!
Thank you for your service.
Haven’t logged into my bnet account in years.
I just don’t give a fuck. Never should have made it at all, tbh.
Steam or bust. And even that’s pushing it.
aka Microsoft…
If you buy Blizzard, you deserved it 🤷