as an INTJ, I knew it would be difficult to make this relationship work. for year’s she’s been saying such nonsense as “Why can’t I use the light switches, I don’t want to use a dumb app”. Now she’s finally learning about the power of home automation. I can see she’s already created new automations that also send notifications to her masseuse, the pool cleaner, the oat milkman, and Chelsea Manning. Tomorrow, I agreed I’d show her how to make “scenes” with the bedroom smart lights.
I usually bang the drum to remind people that home automation is good for disabled people, but fuck Linus LMAO
I know this is a bit but there are smart switches you can buy that let you use your voice, and your esfj wife use a physical switch.
her personal trainer is a switch
Nintendo’s lawyers are already on the case.
There are people who actually talk like that about the myers-briggs categorization of themselves and others
I visited a friend’s workplace that had them on name placards at everyone’s cubicle. I didn’t process another word of the tour, just fixated on that the rest of the time. Typical INTJ, I know
can I get this in boomer? I don’t know how to read the image beyond “sexpest-tuber killed his cat (or something) because his pool leaked”
Extremely technophilic media personality uses money from his company to turn his home into a top of the line smart home, then learns that top of the line smart homes are shit and constantly cause problems for their owners, and in order to save face pretends like his wife is forcing him to get rid of it all even though anyone can plainly see the truth. It is also highly likely that none of this is actually true because he’s turned his life into a kind of reality TV show where he needs to keep writing new episodes no matter what.
Myers Briggs trademark type indicator is. Full. Of. Shit.
the oatmilkman
I knew there was something inherently reactionary about the 4 letter personality types and this post somehow proves it
My PISS wife clashes with me (SHIT) all the time