Please get fucked with your smuggard guero ass. If “emotions” make it hard for you to parse an easily-grokable concept, you might have a disorder you need to get diagnosed, you empathy-lacking toad.
“Dr. King’s policy was, if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That’s very good. He only made one fallacious assumption. In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” – Kwame Ture
You are very emotionally unstable, particularly nasty towards people with certain disorders. Do you think you are superior to them?
Someone with such lacking such basic self control should not be telling people how to run the world, you can barely handle a lemmy comment that doesn’t immediately conform to your interpretation of your worldview.
I don’t lack empathy at all, I just know how to separate emotional involvement from rational conversation, like an adult.
Violence is not, and has never been the answer. If you are fundamentally empathetic, you will always lose to someone who lacks empathy. They are much better at committing harm to others.
Certainly superior to you, you settler waste of time. The better part of you ran out of your mother on the night of your conception, and in all honestly, she probably should’ve swallowed you. Maybe this world wouldn’t be so ugly. I’m not interested in debating a son of colonizers and genocidal ghouls; clearly that’s ALL that comprises you.
Christ on a goddamned stick, I don’t know why I even try bothering with those worthless colonizer stains. Might as well try explaining sociology to a goddamn dog.
Getting emotional because you are impotent to communicate your thoughts on a topic isn’t condusive to anyone understanding your point of view.
Now, without being unstable or abusive, please try again
Please get fucked with your smuggard guero ass. If “emotions” make it hard for you to parse an easily-grokable concept, you might have a disorder you need to get diagnosed, you empathy-lacking toad.
You are very emotionally unstable, particularly nasty towards people with certain disorders. Do you think you are superior to them?
Someone with such lacking such basic self control should not be telling people how to run the world, you can barely handle a lemmy comment that doesn’t immediately conform to your interpretation of your worldview.
I don’t lack empathy at all, I just know how to separate emotional involvement from rational conversation, like an adult.
Violence is not, and has never been the answer. If you are fundamentally empathetic, you will always lose to someone who lacks empathy. They are much better at committing harm to others.
Certainly superior to you, you settler waste of time. The better part of you ran out of your mother on the night of your conception, and in all honestly, she probably should’ve swallowed you. Maybe this world wouldn’t be so ugly. I’m not interested in debating a son of colonizers and genocidal ghouls; clearly that’s ALL that comprises you.
I’m indigenous to my country. You need to take your high school facism and go and see a therapist.
Then stop minstreling for the crackers. Til then, I don’t fuckin believe you.
You aren’t really doing yourself any favors here
Thank you for your service, brave truth teller! Truly, the world is saved thanks to you!
A user being an enormous ignorant tool?!! What? How could this happen!!?
Christ on a goddamned stick, I don’t know why I even try bothering with those worthless colonizer stains. Might as well try explaining sociology to a goddamn dog.
Dogs have empathy so they’d be much easier to teach tbh