Vladimir Putin’s landslide reelection
He gets so much good press about it around the world, I wonder why he doesn’t have himself elected more often. Once a year perhaps, on Vladimir Putin day.
WDYM ‘not free and fair’? Citizens could vote for any of the names on the ballot.
The fact that the ballots only had one name on them isn’t relevant…
They actually had 3 others than Putin but they were only the candidates who would never have a chance.
- Vladislav Davankov, New People Party
- Leonid Slutsky (lol), Liberal Democratic Party
- Nikolay Kharitonov, Communist Party
Boris Nadezhdin was initially also allowed to run on an anti-war platform for the Civic Initiative party, but was then later disqualified (perhaps he was getting too much support?).
They should have voted for Slutsky
Sadly, I think that would just have meant ‘no more Slutsky’.
All three were slutskies. At least he is honest about it.
At the point where Putin can quite easily have any popular opposition stricken from the ballot, imprisoned, or worse still coincidentally fall from a building or endure some “freak accident”, is there all that much use in pretending any opposition ever had a chance to win?
I read your first line as “they actually had 3 other putins to vote for” - you know? Just so the electorate doesnt get bored.
There was no chance Putin wouldn’t stay in office, more’s the pity as it says all that needs be said about why mankind is unreedemable and unworthy of any sort of salvation. Humanity is a cesspool, and Putin is just one of many pieces of feces that swirl around thinking it is better than the rest of the stinking filth swirling around it.
Why can’t we just have the nuclear war we were meant to have by now? Why is it taking so long for us to hit those buttons and get this nasty shit over with once and for all? It’s the only outcome that will ever be possible, why are we prolonging it??
I will do my best to make the world a better place…it aint much but its what I can and will continue to do. Dont be too quick to press red buttons the rest of us are working on solutions!!!
That went from zero to apocalypse very quickly.
I think you’ve been chasing the news dragon too long and too hard. Past a point, it doesn’t make you more informed, just… sadder. More given to misanthropy and despair.
We’re here, and we’re not all bad. Most of us want the same things: health, happiness, love, and camaraderie. We want those things for the people we care about— sometimes more than for ourselves.
The vast, vast majority of us are just people. We get caught up in things, and we forget it sometimes, but that’s a people thing too. And so is helping— when tragedy strikes, or those times we create tragedy, people are also the ones running toward the danger and uncertainty to help save those who cannot save themselves.