Hey Fediverse,

Not too long ago, I (32M) left a community ® that I had been in for a very long time.

R was good to me for a long time, and I enjoyed all the interactions I had with R. R sometimes shared some really good stories, including some salacious stuff that was surely always 100% true.

Eventually, R became abusive and I left. I ultimately found something new (L). L is great, and has been a breath of fresh air. But sometimes L is just a little too quiet for my tastes.

I suspect that maybe if I shared a little salacious fiction with L, L might become more talkative and start opening up some more.

The problem is, I feel like fibbing to L might be wrong.

So WIBTA if I shared with L a fictitious story just to get L to open up a littlie bit more?

  • truffle@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    Listen we all understand why you left ®edtube. It’s grown and changed in unexpected ways and that growth no longer makes you grow. Now that you’re using (L)exisNexis for your porn fix, you’re finding that it’s quite lacking. What you need to do is understand that you get what you put into it. If you start making up salacious stories, the community will all be built on lies.