Something very strange just happened. I gave a long comment with three different reasons why pwNPD are vulnerable and aren’t abusers, and I elaborated on each of them. But then you just restated your belief, without including any arguments or sources. You didn’t even try to discredit my arguments. If you can’t give any reasons people should believe pwNPD are abusers, I think one could be forgiven for thinking there’s no good reason to believe your statement.
Well, that’s news to me. But I did already know that Elon Musk has autism and Donald Trump has obesity. Now if you were to say autistic people are abusers, or obese people are abusers, and offer up those two as proof, I’d laugh at you. Thus I feel obliged to laugh at you now for saying that one abuser being mentally ill proves mentally ill people are abusers.
A personality disorder is not the same as a personality trait. A personality disorder is a disturbance in normal personality functioning, but it doesn’t lock you into having one personality. People with NPD have a great variation in individual personality traits. A personality disorder diagnosis is determined on the basis of fitting a list of criteria, it’s not a judgement of someone’s entire personality.
Additionally, the article you linked says one of the leading indicators of criminal behaviour is “psychopathy”. Psychopathy is not a personality trait, nor is it even a recognised psychological term. Although I’m short on time, I have serious doubts about that review’s impartiality and proper use of the scientific method.
Finally, discriminating against people because a statistical model says they’re more likely to commit crimes is some Minority Report bullshit, and it’s also exactly how police treat black people. Profiling is wrong.
Something very strange just happened. I gave a long comment with three different reasons why pwNPD are vulnerable and aren’t abusers, and I elaborated on each of them. But then you just restated your belief, without including any arguments or sources. You didn’t even try to discredit my arguments. If you can’t give any reasons people should believe pwNPD are abusers, I think one could be forgiven for thinking there’s no good reason to believe your statement.
Alex Jones is a diagnosed narcissist. Tell me about his victimization and how he isn’t an abuser.
Well, that’s news to me. But I did already know that Elon Musk has autism and Donald Trump has obesity. Now if you were to say autistic people are abusers, or obese people are abusers, and offer up those two as proof, I’d laugh at you. Thus I feel obliged to laugh at you now for saying that one abuser being mentally ill proves mentally ill people are abusers.
It appears the current belief is that the higher you PCL-R score, the higher likelihood of violentally criminal behavior you are likely to exhibit.
A personality disorder is not the same as a personality trait. A personality disorder is a disturbance in normal personality functioning, but it doesn’t lock you into having one personality. People with NPD have a great variation in individual personality traits. A personality disorder diagnosis is determined on the basis of fitting a list of criteria, it’s not a judgement of someone’s entire personality.
Additionally, the article you linked says one of the leading indicators of criminal behaviour is “psychopathy”. Psychopathy is not a personality trait, nor is it even a recognised psychological term. Although I’m short on time, I have serious doubts about that review’s impartiality and proper use of the scientific method.
Finally, discriminating against people because a statistical model says they’re more likely to commit crimes is some Minority Report bullshit, and it’s also exactly how police treat black people. Profiling is wrong.