By giving the President the power to ban websites, not just apps, it opens up a whole new can of worms.
Instead of targeting foreign adversaries directly, the law holds US (or offshore) internet hosting services and app stores responsible for any breaches in security or privacy.
This is a Trojan horse that could lead to censorship and control over what people access online.
We are in the cool zone
Yea, but wot if they ban twitter?
It’s high time we re-learn how to connect and organize IRL where none of this shit matters
Reject modernity, embrace tradition!
Tiktok will become a certified American-free Social media platform. Sounds like a great time to make an account.
Goodbye hexbears
My friend’s thought on this was, there’s gotta be someone or someones on Wall Street lobbying DC for this so they can buy up the divested shares.
yeah this is unironically just america nationalizing a foreign corporation that became successful within its borders lmao
Not that I’m holding out a lot of hope, but it would immensely hilarious if it ends up with the WTO declaring that the move violates their charter and that the U.S. needs to reverse course or be sanctioned.
Facebook gathering data? very cool. China gathering data? BAD.
They really just don’t want us to get news outside of their controlled US media.
I’ll never understand the complete simpletons who don’t understand why domestic spying is harmful and being spied on by a foreign nation is harmless.
the Chinese know how much I like Dune. Oh no!
It’s so fucking lacking. I bet the majority of Americans are only of interest to ad companies because at least ad companies understand how most them can’t understand subtext let alone see the intent in anything
Lmk when they have my kompromat