that xkcd is… completely irrelevant to the post.
I’m pretty sure the cameras around here don’t use OCR at all or even if it does it only recognizes the format for plates from a thing shaped like a plate. So if you’re driving like an ass with the drop tables-“plate” that is pretty relevant.
The Bobby Tables one I’m quite sure would work at least on some systems if they let you input your kids name by yourself to some sort of digital form. Or at least I would be pretty surprised if every school system on earth would be patched against simple sql injections.
So if you’re driving like an ass with the drop tables-“plate” that is pretty relevant.
the only thing they have in common is the license plate. that is like saying that every joke that starts with “three people walk into a bar” is basically the same joke.
but here, have a photo that is actually relevant to the submitted xkcd ;)
is this your car?
Replace “all 1’s or something” with “drop database or something” and it 100% applies.
Cool username
lil bobby tables finally get his license?
Lol, my exact first thought, Bobby Tables turned 18!
Where do you need to be 18 to drive?
In a considerable part of the world.
Yeah, I assumed most of the world was at least 18. I was surprised when I moved to the US at 15 and could get a learner’s permit and drive with an adult, and drive by myself at 16.
Growing up in a rural part of Ohio it was needed. Everything was 20-30 miles away. Need milk and eggs, well see you an a hour
Yeah, I totally understand how it’s necessary across many parts of the US. There’s so much I couldn’t have done in high school, like having a job, if I couldn’t drive. I didn’t live in a rural area, but between the sprawl and lack of public transportation…
I think this would get you charged depending on the locality, do not try at home kids
Image is European but I’m pretty sure here in California trying to obscure your plate is illegal. Though I’m not sure what actually counts against it, since I know a couple of people with those bullshit plastic films that claim to obscure your plate from traffic cams but not from people looking at it.
They don’t actually work, but I feel like the intent behind using them could get you in trouble.
I’m pretty sure obscuring your plates is illegal in most places in Europe. How much anyone actually cares probably depends on specific locality.
Where I live, you only need valid plates to drive on public roads. If the car is parked or you drive on private property, there’s no problem. The procedure for getting plates requires you to not have plates for like 2 or 3 days.
Cars can still be identified by the VIN which is on the windshield.
Cars can still be identified by the VIN which is on the windshield.
You mean that tiny little plate of numbers you can only see by being up close to inspect? How does that help find, say, a suspect in a hit and run? You’re sure as hell not gonna be able to read the VIN off a moving vehicle unless you’re hanging onto the hood for dear life.
Did you even read my post? I said that you need plates to drive, but you don’t need plates if you are parked (or on private property). If a car is parked, you have plenty of time to read the VIN. Driving on public roads without plates is illegal and you risk jail time.
Is there even a remotely possible chance something like that would work? I have to drive past a ALPR that checks for insurance every day. I wouldn’t mind plastering code across my tailgate in a design that resembles a license plate.
It actually did work, apparently:
Wow that is impressive
not working in two different browsers, should it?
It’s a link to a comment on this subject that says:
Ok, so to explain. This DID happen,literally 500m from my home :) the system was designed to store reg plate numbers and later turned to a speed camera. The stunt was done by a few students of the Technical University, it did bring the whole db down. They tried to revive it, but ultimately the boards have been dead for the past 5 years or so. Mind that this hack was performed around 7 or 8 years ago:) I can provide pics of the dead board now and exact coordinates too:)
And then later in the replies they do give the coordinates of the camera billboard thing they broke, and someone posts a Google Maps screenshot of the board at the coordinates they gave that just looks like a little digital billboard that’s turned off and is just black, and the OP confirms that it is the board they mentioned.
Hope that all makes sense; I’ve got a lot brain fog/stress brain and stuff and it felt like too much to screenshot lol
Worth a shot. Wouldn’t surprise me if this backwoods town is vulnerable. That being said, I’m open to anyone’s code suggestions and I’ll slap it on there. My coding abilities are limited to BASIC and just enough C to make microcontrollers work.
Highly unlikely.
Just pop a bike rack on your back plates and you are good to go.
Little Bobby tables learns to drive.
This is smart. When my son was learning, I put a magnetic ‘student driver’ sign on my car, too. More people should do this. It’s just polite.
It’s a Renault Mégane 1. There’s not a whole lot of those around anymore so it’d be easy to identify the owner even without a license plate.
This is awesome. Saved. LOL