Smiley added to indicate this was fake. Stolen from reddit here:
So Gains?
Is this a joke? What investor is panicked that their investment might be profitable?
Got to be fake as ‘by Jim Cramer’ would mean Jim works for MarketWatch — a NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch) entity which is a direct competitor to CNBC.
This has to be a shit post unless Jim switched employers.
(He didn’t)
Yeah it was totally a shit post stolen from reddit…and I thought I added a smiley in the title.
Yeah okay. My eyebrow raised as I do remember some trashbag “news” organization reporting negative losses a couple of quarters ago.
I was like — oh their AI generated author is still broken… — then I read the ‘author’ and did the Brian Regan, “Wait just a second!” 😂
You should probably title it as a shit post though.
Done, good call. Thanks for keeping me honest!
Cheers maxxxxpower 🍻
This has to be the onion right? Scared of profitability?
Glad to see people haven’t given up on this. Why bother getting massive gains in the AI and tech markets when you can agonize day after day about if one day you might actually get some money back!
Since you’re making so much money on AI stocks, you don’t need to waste your time posting about GameStop. Just hire someone else to tell us to sell.
This comes up in the new feed and I can’t help trying to save some others.
Since you’re making so much money on AI stocks, you don’t need to waste your time posting about GameStop. Just hire someone else to tell us to sell.
This comes up in the new feed and I can’t help trying to save some others.
Whenever I get downvoted I remember that I sold my GME in early January and replaced it with Supermicro.