Not OC: Just found this on my old hard drive while grabbing some other stuff.
As a seasoned sysadmin, I approve.
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As a developer, I see sysadmins/devops as black magic masochists
I choose to take that as a compliment (if it wasn’t). lol
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As a sysadmin, the sysadmin parts are 100% true
As someone who has been working in IT for 20+ years this is completely inaccurate except for the sys admin column.
Found the SysAdmin
The great promise of the cloud was to outsource sysadmins to be Microsoft and Amazon’s problem.
At the cost of getting new sysadmins who are less numerous, but ask for more money, and best of all, you get to pay Microsoft and Amazon to train them!
Not only that, but it’s no longer your problem when its in the cloud. You can blame the cloud for everything!
“Yeah we’re familiar with this
issuedesign, and have opened 17 support requests and upvoted 5 user voice posts to Microsoft about it. But hey we have this workaround that is not maintainable that you can use meanwhile”
That absolutely was a huge part of the marketing pitch, but as one who supports his company’s cloud infrastructure…
Lol. Rofl. Lmao even.
Maybe that works for places that don’t have heavy tech needs. Maybe.
Sounds oddly familiar. Cloud ops at an msp BTW
It’s almost like marketing makes it sound like it’s a fully-managed, worry-free service where users can just call up Bill Gates himself instead of hundreds of management portals someone has to babysit.
They said that about computers going to make books disappear forty years ago… They never printed so many books that attempted to explain how those damn computers worked!
As a developer, the baby is how I see developers, too.
Moar jpeg!
it’s an artifact is how many times it’s been reposted, like rings on a tree
I have extended the jpeg
Who wants to keep it going?
even in sourcery, the one that controls the domain has the biggest fuckery.
the illustration of the devs with 500 years of xp was missing hahaha
I was in tier 1 support for a few years back in the day, so I’m trying to think of an appropriate image. Based on my experience… something disposable.
Helpdesk? You guys are like the people who have to go and fix a melting nuclear reactor. Necessary but only do it for like a year or two otherwise you get broken.
Where’s my network admins at?
The entire sys admin column is so on point!
As a sysadmin, I concur. Though the Neo panel in the bottom right should have also been another middle finger. If not that, then the Curb Your Enthusiasm meme where he’s like “Fuck you, and I’ll see you tomorrow” lol.
The designers as seen by designers is so right.
Nothing they come up with can be wrong, it’s all innovative!!