Well, I don’t necessarily need Riker, but then I never thought Disco was really Star Trek. It could stand on its own feet perfectly fine but shoehorning it into TOS killed it for me. VOY and DS9 were great and showed that you could do different and still fit well.
I always felt like they stretched a Star Trek skin over another IPs pilot in season 1
It reminded me a lot of Stargate Universe, a complete tonal whiplash that was clearly imitating other popular shows rather than a continuation of the franchise. I was pretty kind to it in the beginning because SGU got pretty good after I got over it not being Stargate as well, but Discovery S2 completely killed any hope I had.
If you liked SGU maybe give Disco Season 4 a shot. I did not like 1-3 very much at all but S4 is one of my favorite seasons of any Trek series and I did not see it coming.
I actually caught up on S4 recently, but unfortunately did not like it. S3 was actually the one I enjoyed the most of the two, if only because I thought it was really amusing that they just decided to do Andromeda.
Haha yes. I wasn’t crazy about it but it was a lot better than Andromeda which is not saying much of anything (Why god did I watch all five seasons and how on Earth did it last that long?)
It has been a long, long time since I watched watched Andromeda but I remember always thinking it might be on the verge of something interesting then it seemingly forgetting what it was setting up and moving on to something boring again. Besides, I have always had a soft spot for dodgy look sci-fi action adventure from the 90s/00s.
Also I had a crush on Lexa Doig.
That last season was especially painful though, my god.
didn’t he play grudge
I am so sorry but I cannot give you the point. You forgot to say “umm…actually”.
well I’ll be
when i was a kid, i used to watch tng with my dad every saturday when i went to his house. the only bad thing about picard and discovery is that i wasn’t able to watch it with my dad.
Thats good. That it ends that is.
Not this time. Pure fiction. We got you. It never happened.
I like Frakes.
That said, in also like pretty much all Trek. I’m not a big fan of some of the series, but I don’t hate them, nor am I going to go around saying they’re “not trek” because reasons.
I’m looking forward to seeing more from the franchise, and I feel a bit alone in my universal enjoyment of Trek. There’s so many people hating on disco or Picard or whatever… I enjoy all of it.
I also enjoy Star wars and Orville, and Stargate, and pretty much most sci-fi… The only stuff, that’s popular, that I have no opinion on is Babylon 5, mainly because I have not watched any of it. Between that, the og BSG and some of the star wars properties (like the animated shows), I’ve watched almost all of the mainstream sci-fi, and honestly, it’s all pretty damn good.
I really liked how they forced the issue about time travel in disco, where the time machine suit thing wouldn’t go unless she went back to all the points she needed to in order to bring this circumstance to happen. I thought that was spot on. I try to ignore the multitude of time paradoxes in voy, and there are many, but it’s probably my least favorite part of that specific show, too much time shit, and it’s all done very poorly.
I was going to mention “you could’ve also said ‘first Star Trek since Enterprise to end’” but then I realized I forgot about Picard.
I was going to ask “But what about Prodigy” but that hasn’t actually aired its second season yet.
So yeah, first Star Trek show since The Animated Series to end without having Two Takes Frakes, even though I feel that having him on the director’s chair should count.
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