I was reading this now and I almost felt as if I was reading about the current Israel Palestine conflict.

It seems that what the Jewish did to Palestinians in 1948 is similar to what Jewish suffered in 66 CE.

I wonder how much of what we see today is just a copy and paste from stuff 2000+ years old.

  1. I don’t get what in this region people are still in tribal hate. Is it due to the geography of the place, or some factors we have no idea of?

  2. according to Wikipedia, this was what resulted in separating christianism from Judaism. I never knew they were close together. How interesting!

Thanks for any ideas

  • caveman@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    I use this term since reading book “history of Quran”, by Ingrid Mattson. According to her, that before Islam in the Arabic world there was always tribal wars.

    For instance, my camel drinks water foe your tribe’s wheel, so someone Killa the camel. Then I revenge my camel by killing someone from your tribe. Then the brother of the dead kills me whole family, then I kill your whole family+your friends, then you kill all my tribe, then my tribes friends to the same… etc

    She says once there was a 40 years war because of camels drinking water where they shouldn’t.

    Or I get lost in desert and die, and my tribe think it was you and start a war.

    So, by tribal hate I mean that when someone makes an offense, this person is not seen as an individual, but rather the whole tribe is to blame.

    I have the impression that this behaviour is still present in this region

    • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      You seem here in good faith so I don’t mean this as a personal attack, but that book sounds incredibly racist and light read of her wiki page says she has advised Bush and Obama during their presidencies, which I think says it all really. She is a white woman from Canada who converted to Islam and apparently just scolds Muslims about “extremism.” I can’t even respond to the claims the book makes because it just reads as Westerner imposing racist tropes on peoples they don’t understand, to say nothing of the fact that it is completely devoid of class analysis and seems entirely ideological.

      • caveman@lemmy.mlOP
        1 year ago

        She’s Muslim herself and I wish I read her book before.

        I read the book and it was one of the books that helped me to see Islam in a better light. When o talk to Muslims from Arabic and north African contries about what I read from her they are also positively impressed

        Muslim people report the same, that before Islam they were fighting a lot and it reduced after the religion.

        • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I can’t take someone seriously who advises presidents who have genocided Muslim peoples and talks about “Islamic Extremism” while ignoring the role of western countries and states like Saudi Arabia for creating groups like the Taliban and fostering their power in the region.

          Religion has always justified itself as a “civilizing project”; that doesn’t mean this is correct. I can’t take that argument seriously.

            • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              I don’t mean to come off like I’m attacking you, I’m just pointing out red flags that make me very skeptical of a source or an author, sorry if it reads as aggressive. I am also learning from everyone’s input on this thread and I’m glad you brought this up for discussion.

              • caveman@lemmy.mlOP
                1 year ago

                If it was not for this women or an American Christian US Army major named Jason Criss Howk who made the first translation of Quran which took my fear of Muslims out I’d still be buying Trump and other haters propaganda against them.

                I also try to read Israeli papers and learn their religous books even if I don’t agree with their current practices. I also read Hindu stuff, Jehova witness, Mormons, African religions, whatever I find I’m Front of me even If I don’t understand or don’t agree.

                I don’t care if people are white, blue, blinking neon or glitter colors, just want to learn from them and prove myself wrong if I’m wrong.

                Now I see someone speaking bad of this woman just because she’s white, even though she was good in taking the hate out of many people, and I feel tired.

                I once read the auto biography of Malcom X, who was totally anti white, and he says when he went to Mecca all people of all colors treated him the same. It was the first time in his life, he says, he felt people where color blind and this changed his life.

                Those are the facts that somehow contribute for my being triggered now. I cannot articulate more deeply how they connect.

                But you are entitled to your opinion and who am I to judge you.

                Have a nice day

    • Rania 🇩🇿@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      She says once there was a 40 years war because of camels drinking water where they shouldn’t.

      Al Basus war, that was from 494 to 534 CE, shouldn’t matter today and shouldn’t be brought up