Any time someone uses the terms “alpha”, “beta”, or “sigma” unironically when referring to a person, I immediately write them off as a braindead waste of oxygen.
I’m not even religious, and I’m praying tiktok finally gets banned.
Definitely a hacked/fake account lol
On an unrelated note, nothing screams dominance more than someone who gets their lifeprotips from a guy who needs to abuse women to get them to listen to him, and got arrested by the police. Sure seems the police are the alphas in this case lol.
And in the US, E Jean Carrol seems to have shown “President” Trump who is really in charge too
Props to the judge who reminded the jury in the defamation case that it was already established fact that Trump had raped E Jean Carrol as were the findings from a previous case, and to disregard Trump’s attorneys who claimed otherwise.
The funny thing is that it seemed trump repeated his bs on the weekend.
So. He’s likely to get yet another lawsuit
I believe he’s into humiliation.
Feel the same way but why did you mention religious in particular? Do they have something against tiktok or something? I hate it for a bunch of reasons but I don’t see anything that could be particularly religious.
Probably because they used the word ”praying” which is quite directly connected to religions.
Excuse me, I’m a delta
Embedding the image:
Tnx :)
Just asked ChatGPT what the social structure of a Wolf pack is and it trotted out all the alpha, beta crap, because that’s now what most people believe.
wtf is a TL
Pretty sure that’s time line
Thank you! I legitimately had no idea what that could stand for.
i once ended a date by telling her alpha doesn’t make sense in humans and she wasn’t “alphaing” the conversation by talking more than me…
she abruptly beta-ed the fuck out of there.Missed opportunity for her to delta outta there instead
Perfect opportunity to howl as she walks away from the table. AR-AR-AROOOOO!!!
I’m the omega man
I bet you encounter a lot of resistance…
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The only thing I know about wolf socialization is from a documentary I saw where 2 wolves were fucking and the girl wolf’s dad came back with the rest of her pack and caught them and when the boy wolf tried to run away he dragged her down like 3/4 of the giant hill they were on by his dick before it popped out. It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life.
Isn’t this the plot of one of those twilight movies
FoXeS aRe JuSt CaT sOfTwArE rUnNiNg On DoG hArDwArE.
Also rabbits eat carrots, mice eat cheese, and turtles eat pizza
Do people just say “type A” personality now? Or describe someone as more “passive” as opposed to “assertive”? The alpha/beta/etc terms are scientifically unreal but it’s not like people generally don’t know what is being referred to when discussing people’s general personality vibes
I tell people there are two reasons I wear clothes. #1 people would be uncomfortable. #2 I am too inattentive to stop it from dragging on the ground.
The wolf thing is a myth, these actually refer to the stages of software deveopment. Alpha is buggy, unstable, missing key features and unsutable for the public. Beta is mostly complete, but may still have bugs or occasional crashes. (So basicly teenagers)
Some recent papers sugest it might also refer to alpha particles, high mass but very low penetration power and depth. These particles are typicaly emitted by high mass atom.
Yes, Xitter is also my platform of choice to consume non-dumb-ass content…
Actually it turns out its a myth that there are alpha wolves at all. Makes this even better.
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sigma balls
I think Sigma is more often used to describe misogyny than anything positive, so I’m definitely not that either.
I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a mockery of misogyny (or the more general toxic masculity). The Sigma male term was supposedly describing a social outcast who doesn’t play the social game but still somehow wins the social game, and thus gets respect and women. Obviously the internet ran with it because it hits the sweetspot of stupidity where it becomes funny
Of course some people actually believe it and use it unironically, but it’s mostly about mocking the supposed Greek lettered male classification. Then again memes change in time and maybe it is returning to its original toxic meaning.