Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a FOSS editing app to use on PDFs, just to add text and and mark things out, I tried GNU image editor but it just works on images exclusively. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
Okular and Xournal++ both do well for annotating an existing PDF, but you can only add not remove or modify.
For modifying, LibreOffice will do it at the expense of the layout getting seriously mangled even on the simplest of PDFs.
Overkill for this but just wanted to mention
stirlingtools.com/ (self-hosted PDF magic)
Huh. I used to boot into Windows to use Acrobat because I never found a linux pdf editor that does everything I need, but this looks like it might cover most of my use cases. Nice.
Thanks for the recommendation.
If you asked this on a windows forum years ago, people would say “you can’t edfit a pdf by design”
I like how on Linux we have so many solutions and nobody even mentions this
Would it have been? I mean, I certainly don’t like Adobe, but Acrobat has been able to edit pretty much any aspect of a pdf for quite some time.
Firefox. Firefox can draw, sign, highlight, add text in boxes, add pictures. This should be recommended more.