“Can I send this to your personal email?”
“Sure, it’s juggalo4life@yahoo.com”
Well it does say “4life”
Man, Mine was Prowler587@aol.com (I changed the numbers for leave me alone purposes) and I made it in the 90’s when I was like 13. A lot of my screen names at websites continued to be that for several years and one of those sites I still get on and use.
Only years later as the internet evolve did I ever think to self reflect at how creepy a screen name that was while going around and hanging out in chat rooms. I picked the name because the Plymouth Prowler had just come out and I had it on one of my school folders and I thought the car looked really awesome.
TLDNR: Plymouth made me look like a creep.
Ten year old me got a beautiful white backpack and made the username whitebag567@gmail.com (numbers also changed), not realizing until over a decade later, that I seemed like a drug dealer.
I’m 41. My screen name is my AOL screen name from 1996…
Yeah I’m 41 and using my old StarCraft 1 name from like ‘98
Eventually it will wrap back around to being edgy and cool in an ironic manner:-).
You give me hope.
You may get new and temporary E-Mails but never give up your first one.
Oh, little Billy. One day you will become the xXPussyDestroyerXx!
They said email, not AIM username.
AIM still exists?
I have a yahoo address with only five letters.
My first email was Firstname_Lastname@aol.com. When aol became insufferable and a challenger appeared, I made Firstname.Lastname@gmail.com.
Gmail lets you add "."s anywhere and it’ll still work, so all my spammy or whatever things I sign up for are Firs.T.Nam.E.L.Astnam.E@gmail.com or some random variation. Makes it easy to delete all the junk.
Well I got incredibly lucky so I have a firstname@lastname.de address. Why would I ever give that up? 🥰
Honestly it’s so nice. I ended up buying lastname.tld so now I will always have firstname@lastname.tld even if I change provider because I can just point the domain to whatever provider I like.
unfortunately just firstname-lastname.tld for me but still a very elegant solution
It’s the one time where I am glad to have a slightly unusual name.
And my Wi-Fi password is still 6buttwiener9
Guys, this is just a bot. It wants you to share your email addresses so it can sign you up for spam newsletters…
Still using my Gmail from 2002
It was released 2003, but yeah. My 2004 account is still active, and I have an older Hotmail address
I’m still using my email from before I was 13 (don’t tell Google).
Nope, it’s in 13 leaks (haveibeenpwned) and full of spam. Though the provider can use it to train their spam filters.
Good news — no pwnage found!
I made that email address when I was 8.
Though I’ve been always allergic to putting my main e-mail anywhere. Currently I have 14 active e-mail addresses due to that.