The section before this was about the history of Yoga, and I feel the author just had a fucking seizure while watching Fox News, before continuing to write the book.
Like what.
The section before this was about the history of Yoga, and I feel the author just had a fucking seizure while watching Fox News, before continuing to write the book.
Like what.
What do they say about Yoga and Judgement day?
As far as I can tell, nothing. It’s just another tangent.
Like, this might be the worst book I’ve ever read.
You could’ve just begun with “different people need different forms of yoga…” You don’t need to fucking discuss the difference between Abrahamic and Indic religions for three paragraphs, preceded by four paragraphs of “high school tier” philosophy about money being an illusion and other “myths”
I just wanna read about Yoga.
This is just a defence of casteism here. One belief is that people who have good Karma are reborn as Brahmins and those with bad karma are reborn in the “lower” castes. Thus they can justify casteism since those in lower castes deserve it by being evil in the previous birth.
interpreting Hinduism as wholly casteist is like interpreting Christianity based off all the preachers who think Black people are going to hell
Lingayatism and arguably Shaivism in general doesn’t care about caste, and that’s like 100 million+ people. Also they invented the protestant reformation 400 years before Martin Luther existed
You are correct that the thousands of beliefs and sects under Hinduism cannot all be tarred in the same brush as casteist but that specific quote is definitely a nod towards casteism and discrimination against disabled people.
what is this trash? i’ve known about this pipeline but rarely run into it so directly