For some reason, I wouldn’t touch “free” from Oracle with a barge pole…
Imagine relying on GraalVM for all your production workloads and then one day Oracle announces a renewed pricing structure for it. Of course that could never possibly happen /s
… or they sue you for using their API … or doing something similarly impertinent.
This feels 3 years too late
It’s about GraalVM’s enterprise edition. The free version was… free since forever.
I know but Graal has always been kind of a licensing nightmare that feels designed to get you audited by Oracle. Most software organizations are trying to avoid paying ridiculous fees to Oracle.
No, thanks.
These releases will be available under the GraalVM Free Terms and Conditions (GFTC) license, permitting free use even for production deployments. Redistribution is permitted if not for a fee. For long-term support (LTS) releases such as GraalVM for JDK 17, Oracle will provide free GFTC releases until one year after the subsequent LTS release.