i think it would be neat to be ruled over by a council of benevolent scientists, or perhaps a philosopher king. democracy just seems like a bad idea and it hasn’t been working very well. if it’s a popularity contest then we just get charismatic populists and demagogues.
the only way i think democracy would work is if we give animals the right to vote. I think with some technology we could figure out how to teach dogs and horses and dolphins to vote, that would be a good start. then maybe have like a council of tree experts and plant enthusiasts to represent the interests of plants in all votes.
Western bourgeois democracy is looking pretty fuckin’ lame yeah
Chinese and Cuban democracy are killin’ it
I hear so little about Chinese Democracy except “Xi Bad”. It’s very hard to get a read on a one party state from a nation that’s always had this oscillating two party system.
Frustrating that so much of the world is obscured by domestic propaganda FUD, because they seem genuinely fascinating.
There’s a lot of good stuff online on the topic: https://youtu.be/ChFRnI7-QS4
I tried making an askchapo post about that, you can check out some of the links people posted to it.