Roxie (2F) constantly demands I lift her so she can be inside my cloth shopping bags.
I needed to do dishes and told her maybe later. She was most displeased with the outcome and is making sour faces at me.
You have to realize, when you are getting a cat you are entering into voluntary serfdom.
She is the owner, you are the pet. YTA
Boundaries. I’d say make chore time fun for her and get one of those wall treat chews and uncap it while you work. Or have a recycleable plastic bottle, cut a small hole in it, and tape the sides so it’s not rough and put five treats in so when she bats it and plays, some come out and she can eat them. Associate the fact that sometimes you doing something for yourself is also good for her.
That might even be something she can do in the room with you so she gets quality time and fun and you get to do what you need.
Lol serious advice on a cat shitpost is not what I was expecting.
How can you even say no to such a good kitty? Sitting in things is a god given right for kittykind. YTA
Sounds like an abusive relationship. Constantly demanding things is a huge red flag. She even still you from doing basic things like dishes for her own needs, super red flag. Maybe talk to her about it, if she does not reconsider her behavior you should leave here while your can. The abusive behavior will only get worse. One day you will wake up and she will be right in your face.
Make a pouch for over your shoulders, then you don’t even have to hold the cat-in-the-bag.
Cats are AH’s.
I do actually want to get a baby sling to see if my cats would like it.
YTC :( wish my cats want that too, so cute
You could train her so that you give her alternative behaviors to do.
She’s already trained to scream for UPPIES, scream for treats and scream for play time.