When looking at an app in gnome-software, the drop-down menu under the install-button is set to flatpak, even though a native package is available. I find this strange. Is this a bug or is it by design?

In case it’s a bug: Does anyone know how to fix it? google wouldn’t tell me :c (I am running debian 12 with GNOME 43.6 and gnome-software 43.5)

EDIT: thanks to @wildbus8979 for providing a fix:

Actually I did some more digging because I also find it annoying, you can change this behaviour, using dconf modify the /org/gnome/software/packaging-format-preference key to read [‘deb’,‘flatpak’]

  • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Hmm it should show both Flatpaks and native packages on Debian but GNOME generally prefers Flatpaks for its ecosystem and not every package manager is even supported by GNOME Software