It’s from this clip
God doesn’t hate you, he just might send you to hell for all eternity for breaking his rules and not saying sorry before you die. Also he gives kids incurable and very painful cancer as part of his divine plan.
The whole doctrine is nonsensical and full of contradictions, but you’re not supposed to ask questions, or use logic…
Very true, but theoretically speaking, just because you’re living doesn’t mean you’re automatically admitted to heaven. When thinking of it like that, wouldn’t it be right to think that you’re not admitted to heaven rather than you’re being sent to hell?
Plus I’m pretty sure that unless you commit a heinous crime, pretty much everything you do is basically ‘forgiven.’ Isn’t that why Jesus went on the cross in the first place?
There are a shit ton of plot holes though and you’re absolutely right, you can’t argue with logic because the whole basis isn’t based on logic, it’s faith. You can’t argue faith with logic, just like you can’t have a fair debate when one party is using emotions and the other logic.
OTOH I do find it ironic that Satan, the guy who was kicked out of heaven and fallen because he questioned God, is saying that God doesn’t hate anyone. ;)
god doesnt hate satan. god hates being questioned.
To be fair, he didn’t get FIRED. He just got moved to the basement, and put in charge down there.
Satan got demoted from nepo baby to HR manager.
“Surely there’s a mistake, I shouldn’t be here!”
“Wow, how original, Arnaud, it’s only the two millionth time I’ve heard that line today. Lemme pull up your file… ah yes, ‘God will know his own,’ what a convenient excuse for burning a city to the ground and executing 20,000 unarmed civilians. Dad damn it, Catholic hypocrites are the worst. Bet you diddled some kids while you were at it too, you sick fuck.”
Soft fired
Some of the best evil / devil portrayals are when they tell the truth and let the other person wrestle with the impact of it. Mean the stories leave out the obvious falicies but that’s the point of course.
It is all part of his plan.
Did this guy ever read the old testament?
God smiting Sodom like “it hurts me more than it hurts you”.
But didn’t you know the old testament doesn’t count? Or at lest not the parts that don’t further their preferred narrative
In some scripture, Satan is a guy who plays Devil’s Advocate to keep God on his toes, such as the story of Job.
Look, dude, you just tortured a guy to test his faith. You gotta be less sensitive if you want the apes to actually like you.
I mean sure its not immoral to be gay but god kinda sorta should hate, idk, people behind genocides and stuff. Would be weird not hating people who do those.
I mean… canonically speaking, God would be self-hating if that were the case.
One of his signature genocides was murdering everyone in “Sodom”, presumably for sodomy.
Bottom line, the pastor is right about God and you should GTFO of that Church.
This was my complaint regarding the series Lucifer in which the devil himself… fights crime. And just spooky serial killer sorts, as opposed to,
- War profiteers like the whole US military industrial complex
- Big pharma like Purdue, pushing fentanyl producte like its aspirin and pressuring doctors to oversubscribe
- The fossil fuel industry suppressing greener energy and science linking pollution and the climate crisis.
- Big chemical and their contribution to the contamination of ecosystems and water supplies with PFOA, microplastics, etc.
Not to be that wizard, but Now witness true evil!Edit: Formatting
The reason for all that is Chloe, who happens to be an ordinary cop and not a greenpeace activist or something. Also, the convenient ability to turn the show into a detective serial.
In the original Comics Lucifer doesn’t really care about all of that stuff, either, he’s pinpoint-focussed on escaping dad’s dictatorship, mostly celestial shenanigans big corporations are small fry compared to the psychological-mythological task he’s up to. But for a TV show you need an additional hook, way to cerebral (and non-episodic), all that stuff.
The original Lucifer might be even harder to adapt to TV than Sandman so I’m really not mad about the reinterpretation. The show could certainly be better in places but it’s not actively doing the original Character dirty.
I then will destroy your high places, and cut down your incense altars, and heap your remains on the remains of your idols, for My soul shall abhor you.
- Leviticus 26:30
Ted Lasso teaching life lessons everywhere he goes.